Author Topic: Increased screenshot file sizes (jpeg) when using automatic screenshot maker  (Read 6888 times)

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Offline Kahm

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I was recently wondering why my database size has ballooned and I had a feeling it had to to with screenshot file sizes (integrated). So I did an experiment with a new database where the screenshots are stored in a folder. Here is what I did:

- Created new database and added a movie
- Preferences -> save screenshots in folder
- Used AUTOMATIC screenshot maker in PVD to create 20 screenshots (1280x720 resolution) -> screenshots ranged from 1,000kb to 1,300kb !!!
- Used MANUAL screenshot maker in PVD and the 20 screenshots ranged from 120kb to 150kb in size...
- updated ffmpeg file from sourceforge and still same problem

How is this possible? It seems to be PVD related and not ffmepg as far as I can tell.

Another user posted a thread on this forum with seemingly the same problem:,3874.0.html

Offline abubin

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does running the db optimization help to reduce the db size?

Offline Kahm

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This has nothing to do with actual db size. If you follow the steps, I created a database, where the screenshots are stored in a seperate folder. This is how I was able to determine the reason for my other databases size balooning after adding screenshots. And yes, that one I did optimize.
This issue is somehow linked to how screenshots are created. I don't understand how the same exe file (ffmpeg) can create such differently sized files when either started manually or run in batchmode via pvd...

