it's really difficult to find scripts for retrieve information for people.
Well, I make a little one which get the basic info (photo included) in Spanish (but easy to adapt for English or French, see down) from TheMovieDB.
It has an important feature: Store the URL of the person photo in ~transname~ for send to KODI in a Template (see in the forum)..
SCRIPT: TheMovieDB_[ES]_People
http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io/CO-AUTHORS: VVV
Contact Web:
CHANGE LOG (15/01/2017):
v VVV: initial release
This is a script designed to be easy to understand and to adapt. For this reason may be missing some fields and
the programming may not be smart. It's a only "One Pass" Script and get data in API SEQUENTIAL ORDER.
The Personal Video DataBase field names in comments are enclosed in "~" so they are easier to find in the script.
The WEB_SPECIFIC commentary points out the specific text for Web fields.
Use Log PVdB debug Window for looking search errors.
(Due a PVdB "GET" scripts funtions seems doesn't work with 'https' URL de v. works with API web dialog.
See 'TheMovieDB_[ES]' script for no API (take information direct from web page) scraper.)
If desired (PHOTO_URL_IN_TRANSNAME=True), it use the Field ~transname~ for storing the URL to the person photo, for send to KODI in a Template.
1. For compiling cuestions functions must be defined in the script before use (not in order of execution).
2. For the search texts for locating the fields in Web page Null '' value it's not valid. You must replaces all
escaped HTML characters (like <>&") with normal characters (like <, >,$, ").
3. It's a only "One Pass" Script: It DOES NOT makes several calls to the main program to scrape information from various pages of
the movie in the same site. It only do that for searching mode in a movie list results.
4. It has a Rondabout in BASE_URL (BASE_URL_TRUE,BASE_URL_RONDABOUT) for "cheat" GET PVdB funtion and rondabout the "https" fail.
5. Get the ~orating~ (Popularity). It's not documented in PVB Scripting Manual and in the script don't work even working in the skin.
5. In People database, PVdB don't download automaticaly the photo like in Movie database but using ListSearch it do.
Set PHOTO_DWN_RONDABOUT = True to activate the the ImageListSearch as RONDABOUT for download Photos. Because there is not choice (because its
only one photo) normaly it download without asking but if PVdB begin to ask then with PVdB preference/Plugin/Silent Enable would be
more confortable for large databases.
//User Options
BYPASS_SILENT = False; //Set to True to ensure ShowMessage alerts (then bypass Silent PVdB preferences)
PHOTO_DWN_RONDABOUT = True; (*Set to True to activate the the ImageListSearch as RONDABOUT for download Photos.
Because there is not choice (because its only one photo) normaly it download without asking but if PVdB begin to ask then
with PVdB preference/Plugin/Silent Enable would be more confortable for large databases.*)
PHOTO_URL_IN_TRANSNAME = True; //Set to False to disable to avoid use the Field ~transname~ for storing the URL to the person photo, for send to KODI in a Template.
LANG_API_STR = '&language=es'; //WEB_SPECIFIC
//LANG_API_STR = '&language=en'; //WEB_SPECIFIC
//LANG_API_STR = '&language=fr'; //WEB_SPECIFIC
(Edito: New version down)