Many thanks for the great program.
I've started to write an import script for japanese site (EUC-JP encoding) and I've noticed a strange thing.
I cannot use japanese character in PosFrom.
Os: Windows 8, PVD, the script file saved with encoding utf-8.
StartPos := Pos('<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="mg-b20">', HTML);
StartPos := PosFrom('">レーベル:</td>', HTML, StartPos);
Cast := Trim(TextBetween(HTML, '>', '<', False, StartPos));
if Cast <> '----' then
CastURL := BASE_URL + Trim(TextBetween(HTML, 'href="', '"', False, StartPos));
Cast := Trim(TextBetween(HTML, '">', '<', False, StartPos));
LogMessage('writer: '+ Cast +', url: '+ CastURL);
AddMoviePerson(Cast, '', '', CastURL, 2);
end else
LogMessage('writer not found');