Would this be helpful.
Example code for the custom field with a url link to a web page when you click on the text that is displayed in a custom box.
Code for TV Movie, TV Mini Series, TV Series, TV Episode, Video etc ...
//~TV Series & etc ... ~
curPos := PosFrom('<div class="infobar">', HTML, EndPos);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := curPos + Length('<div class="infobar">');
EndPos := PosFrom('-', HTML, curPos);
if (EndPos < 1) OR (EndPos > PosFrom('<span title="', HTML, curPos)) then
EndPos := PosFrom('<span title="', HTML, curPos);
if (EndPos < 1) OR (EndPos > PosFrom('<time', HTML, curPos)) then
EndPos := PosFrom('<time', HTML, curPos);
// TmpStr2 := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos));
TmpStr2 := RemoveTags(Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)), false);
TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr2, ' -', '', True, True, False);
TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr2, ' ', '', True, True, False);
// if TmpStr2 <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Tv2', TmpStr2);
if TmpStr2 <> '' then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Tv2', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '">' + TmpStr2 + '</link>');