Post a screenshot of your Advanced Search Dialog with the query.
Screenshots attached. They speak for themselves, I believe.
Before continue reading, keep in mind that:
- I already had my series/seasons/episodes list set up with only the ones I have "In collection" - In a list I didn't have any season/episode which wasn't "In colection". I don't want them in a list.
- Data for those were imported long ago (had their urls already).
- Treated data as obsolete, I wanted to mass update the data.
- Filtered series, mass updated the data
for the series, after which I planned to manually update every set of episodes in a season that is "In collection"
- Yep, I forgot to turn off "Download Episodes".
- Wanted to get a list "Not in collection" of seasons and episodes in order to delete them.
- No luck.
Because if you have a filter set that hides the results you're expecting from a search
Filter is applied before the search. If I use "-1" for the search, it works, as I said.
If 'in collection' means you have media, then that is determined by the existence of a [File Path]
It could be determined, but it doesn't have to be. Imagine I borrowed the movie from you (or rented a movie), watched it, scanned it, got you movie back. Is in this scenario "In collection"="File path"? Nope, I think. In my scenario, and maybe it's my only, "File path" means where
on the media movie was, not in whose possession the media itself is. Location on media->Possession of media-> Location of media (if "Possession=Yes")(Shelf No1). That's my beloved scenario

To the rest of your post: yes, that's how I'm forced to do it. Manually research every series, and deleting sufficient seasons/episodes that aren't "In collection". Don't forget that sometimes seasons come to a more than one dvd, and maybe I have only one DVD, but when importing season data I get data for the whole season. That's how's possible that some episodes of the season are "In collection", and some aren't.
Thanks for your time! Maybe you find that I'm a bit too active recently, but hey, find positives: first, I intensively spend my time with this software jewel, which might speaks that it's more addictive than FB (

), and second, I'm sure I spared other users' time a lot to write about the same things. Hope they will find their answers, whether the questions are issue-related, or strategy organizing related, or whatever PVD related.
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