Author Topic: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?  (Read 13294 times)

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Offline afrocuban

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How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:23:57 pm »
In Advanced search, to get the ones that are checked in check box, the string is "=-1". But what is the opposite? Neither is blank, or 0, 1 or NULL?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 09:26:57 pm by afrocuban »

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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 11:37:16 pm »
It is 0 or in some cases you need to use the IS NULL operator.
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Offline afrocuban

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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 12:54:38 am »
Unfortunately, as I said, nethier of those work: blank, 0 (zero), or IS NULL... :-\

It's u custom checkbox field "In Collection"...
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 01:20:18 am by afrocuban »


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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 01:27:15 am »
Unfortunately, as I said, nethier of those work: blank, 0 (zero), or IS NULL...

IS NULL works fine for me. Are you sure you're using Advanced Search correctly? Are any Filters set?

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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 03:19:41 am »
Yes they are set. Why?

I'm trying to filter episodes not in collection, that are imported by mistake (imdb plugin option "Download epsiodes" was unintentionally turned on).

So, I filtered series, than tried to apply "Not in collection (0, or IS NULL)" advanced search. "In colection (-1)" search with such filtered "Series only" list works fine?  ???

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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2013, 07:55:49 pm »
Post a screenshot of your Advanced Search Dialog with the query.
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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 03:52:19 am »
Yes they are set. Why?

Because if you have a filter set that hides the results you're expecting from a search, it can be confusing. What's actually more curious about this scenario is why you have a need for an [In Collection] flag in the first place. If 'in collection' means you have media, then that is determined by the existence of a [File Path]—and there's a filter for that. So what, exactly, does 'in collection' mean to you?

So, I filtered series, than tried to apply "Not in collection (0, or IS NULL)" advanced search.

Trying to filter episodes in this manner is bound to be confusing, if not problematic. First of all, I believe you would have to have Preferences>Filter episodes set to get any results at all. Even then, that doesn't mean episodes are are treated exactly the same as movies in a search. They're still members of a series record, and the search applies to that record as well. So to get 'not in collection' episodes, the series would have to be 'not in collection' as well. That doesn't describe any circumstance that makes sense to me. But...

I'm trying to filter episodes not in collection, that are imported by mistake (imdb plugin option "Download epsiodes" was unintentionally turned on).'s not at all clear to me why this is even an issue. If there any episodes 'in collection' (and surely there must be—why else would the series be in the database?), then you have to 'download episodes'. Doing so is the only practical way to create the records for whatever episodes are in the database. If you're not interested in some of the seasons (e.g., only the last 3 seasons of a long-running series are of interest), then just delete them. (I set them to 'seen' and forget about them). If the problem is you've accidentally imported data for seasons for which you just want a simple list of episodes, delete such seasons and re-import the series to get the unpopulated list back.

Offline afrocuban

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Re: How to get movies that aren't checked in check box?
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2013, 12:57:03 pm »

Post a screenshot of your Advanced Search Dialog with the query.
Screenshots attached. They speak for themselves, I believe.


Before continue reading, keep in mind that:
- I already had my series/seasons/episodes list set up with only the ones I have "In collection" - In a list I didn't have any season/episode which wasn't "In colection". I don't want them in a list.
- Data for those were imported long ago (had their urls already).
- Treated data as obsolete, I wanted to mass update the data.
- Filtered series, mass updated the data for the series, after which I planned to manually update every set of episodes in a season that is "In collection"
- Yep, I forgot to turn off "Download Episodes".
- Wanted to get a list "Not in collection" of seasons and episodes in order to delete them.
- No luck.

Because if you have a filter set that hides the results you're expecting from a search
Filter is applied before the search. If I use "-1" for the search, it works, as I said.

If 'in collection' means you have media, then that is determined by the existence of a [File Path]

It could be determined, but it doesn't have to be. Imagine I borrowed the movie from you (or rented a movie), watched it, scanned it, got you movie back. Is in this scenario "In collection"="File path"? Nope, I think. In my scenario, and maybe it's my only, "File path" means where on the media movie was, not in whose possession the media itself is. Location on media->Possession of media-> Location of media (if "Possession=Yes")(Shelf No1). That's my beloved scenario ;D

To the rest of your post: yes, that's how I'm forced to do it. Manually research every series, and deleting sufficient seasons/episodes that aren't "In collection". Don't forget that sometimes seasons come to a more than one dvd, and maybe I have only one DVD, but when importing season data I get data for the whole season. That's how's possible that some episodes of the season are "In collection", and some aren't.

Thanks for your time! Maybe you find that I'm a bit too active recently, but hey, find positives: first, I intensively spend my time with this software jewel, which might speaks that it's more addictive than FB (;D), and second, I'm sure I spared other users' time a lot to write about the same things. Hope they will find their answers, whether the questions are issue-related, or strategy organizing related, or whatever PVD related.


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