I'll try to clarify as much as possible, considernig language barriers.
1. I set up skin with collapsed attributes so to all data are fit to screen, so therefore there's no scroll bar on the right side of the skin. [b=]which is shown in picture 0.jpg attached in this post.[/b].
2. When expand some field, amount of data exceeds the size of the screen, so therefore, scroll bar on the right side of the skin appears. When scrolling it is inconvenient for preview (movie title, tabs, screenshots and posters become totally or partly invisible - out of the screen) when reachin the bottom of the expanded skin)
3. So, is it possible when expand some field and amount of data exceeds the size of the screen, with some xml tag to invoke scroll bar to appear in some <section> I'd define - for instance the one a Ifaked in pictur 3.jpg above?
[EDIT]Notice differences between picture 2 and 3. When "IMDb Plot" field is expanded and data doesn't fit the screen, scroll bar normally appears on the right side of the skin in picture 2. In picture 3, when same field is expanded, scroll bar would appear only in <section> where the field resides, and there wouldn't be scroll bar on the right side of the whole skin
4. If 3. is'not possible by design, is it possible to put iframes in PVD classic skin for instance ? How? What is tag? [EDIT] Is it possibble to create PVD skin to look like svenne's HTML Frame export file?
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