AdultDvdEmpire change code in the results page. PVD put the page result as URL of the movie.
Modification of the procedure parsesearchresult :
procedure ParseSearchResults(HTML: string);
ItemStart, ItemEnd: Integer;
Title, Studio, Year, URL, Preview: string;
ItemStart := Pos('Category "List Page" Label="Boxcover">', HTML);
while ItemStart > 0 do
ItemEnd := PosFrom('Category "List Page" Label="Boxcover">', HTML, ItemStart+1);
URL := BASE_URL + HTMLValue(HTML, ItemStart, ItemEnd, '<h3><a href="', '"');
Preview := HTMLValue(HTML, ItemStart, ItemEnd, 'Label="Boxcover"><img src="', '"');
Title := HTMLValue(HTML, ItemStart, ItemEnd, 'Label="Title">', '</a>');
Studio := HTMLValue(HTML, ItemStart, ItemEnd, 'studio</small>', '</a>');
Year := HTMLValue(HTML, ItemStart, ItemEnd, '<small>(', ')</small>');
LogMessage('title: '+ Title +', studio: '+ Studio +', year: '+ Year +', url: '+ URL +', preview: '+ Preview);
AddSearchResult(Title, Studio, Year, URL, Preview);
ItemStart := ItemEnd;
In the results page on AdultDVDEmpire, the movie must have a thumbnail to work.
I tried it and it seems to work.
I don't know the version of my script but like said Aimhere in the precedent message i suppose it is based of Gazonfoo's script.