Author Topic: After moving folder, PVD will no longer load posters  (Read 12052 times)

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After moving folder, PVD will no longer load posters
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:17:23 pm »
Hi all...
i formatted my c: and installed a fresh new windows os...I also added a new drive so hard drive path's changed...
anyway - i installed pvd from scracth and restored the .pvd file...I edited pvd inf file to proper paths, but no luck..
the movie list came but with no posters...
my posters are all in jpg's in /posters folder..
why is it such a pain to pvd when formatting?
PVD db and posters cant be saved in just 1 file ? instead of having posters in a seperate dir?
i know theres an option, but i never managed to get it to work
PVD is a great util for dvd lists but when I format, I always loose DB :(

pls help me, i dont want to add poster manually, i have 3500+ titles...

Thanks ???  >:(
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 11:46:02 am by »

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« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 01:33:16 pm »
Check if the paths in "Preferences -> Folders -> Image folders" are correct.
You can make PVD save all the images in the database file thus eliminating all such problem by setting the option "Save images in database file" in "Preferences -> Miscellaneous". What did not work when you tried using this option?
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« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2012, 06:48:08 pm »
i have 'same for all dialogs' non ticked, open database selected, last used ticked,
and in IMAGE FOLDERS i have POSTERS selected and under it i have E:\MY MOVIES\Posters\ and inside there - is all my posters..
save screenshots is non ticked too..
save images in database file has always been ticked, but it always saved posters in a diff \posters folder instead of inside .pvd file..
thanks for replying, please help me

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« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2012, 07:14:38 pm »
i tought that the.pvd db file contained all the necessary info regarding the poster name..i mean if the movie AVATAR contained a poster named AVATAR11.jpg, and I format windows, it would again look for the jpg named AVATAR11.jpg...just have to set the proper POSTERS dir, and thats it.
But Apparently, its not like that :(

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« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2012, 10:50:41 am »
any more help?
im still stuck  :o


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After moving folder, PVD will no longer load posters
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2012, 11:45:45 am »
in IMAGE FOLDERS i have POSTERS selected and under it i have E:\MY MOVIES\Posters\ and inside there - is all my posters.

Is that the folder your posters were in before? If not, I suggest you try moving the folder back to it's original location and changing this setting to the same location. (I don't know how it works, but if you moved the folder PVD isn't going to find them, and I don't think just changing this setting to the new location will necessarily fix it if the old location for each poster was recorded in the database.) If that works, then try changing the setting so the images are saved in the database.

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Re: After moving folder, PVD will no longer load posters
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2012, 09:45:34 pm »
i added a new hdisk so drive letters changed....
i put all back in d: and yay!!! it worked!! folders exist again!!

now what can i do if i need to change poster folders drive letters ?
its now in d: but i dont want it there anymore...can i do that ?

Thanks for your reply

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Re: After moving folder, PVD will no longer load posters
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2012, 10:58:55 pm »
Supreme - I'm doing the same thing kinda - sharing my db with others and the drive letters will not be the same all the time for each person of course.

What I found is this...

Before you do anything  be it to your drives - move the db - share it etc etc. Follow Ricks format for keeping his db - go into settings - check off - "Keep images in Database file"

Once the images are in the db file - you can do as you please.

You can move it around - change locations of the files - share it etc etc.

To change the location of the image files - go back into settings - and look in Folders i think it is called - Point it to the folder you want to keep your posters etc in

Then... and only then - if you so desire - un-check "Keep images in Data base"
it will put them in the folder - just make sure it did

Then - optimize the database.

If you check prior to optimizing it, you'll see the db size - make a note of it for the gee wiz - Optimize the db after un-checking "keep images..." and you'll see the db is much smaller.

To move or share it again - RECHECK the "Keep all images in the Database File"

This should be correct... I'm sure Rick or Nastra can confirm it.

Or jsut do it and confirm it yourself... it works for me

btw - if you can afford the drive space - keep an extra copy of your db and backup somewhere safe - just in case  ;)


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Re: After moving folder, PVD will no longer load posters
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2012, 12:29:37 am »
This should be correct... I'm sure Rick or Nostra can confirm it.

Sounds right, although I can't think of any good reason to continue changing from one to the other. The only case I can think of for maintaining images outside the database is if the same images are to be shared by other applications. And that doesn't include most media manager applications—which would require them to be exported beside the media files anyway. So maybe an image editor is used to modify and maintain the images. Most users, however, would be happy to do whatever modifications are necessary immediately after download, and then save the result in the database. They can always be saved externally again (individually) for making further modifications.

Okay, I can think of one good reason. That would be to move all images outside the database so they can be processed in bulk by an external editor to resize and/or optimize them. Once that's done, they can be brought back into the database and the database optimized. I don't know if there's any advantage to doing one of those steps first.