Author Topic: PVD 0.99 beta - crash - freeze - loss of content.  (Read 7257 times)

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Offline chase

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PVD 0.99 beta - crash - freeze - loss of content.
« on: May 16, 2012, 07:43:16 pm »
Hi -

Just letting you know...

PVD Portable Beta v0.9.9 Installed on USB.

Win XP SP3

It scanned my Movies fine on one comp.
It updated yesterday with 19 updates - and websearched fine - for a little while.
I was doing about 10 to 20 movies at a time using the IMB and A?? for the websearch.

1.5 to 2 hrs in - It froze - completely.
Cntrl/alt/delete to shut it down.

Restart - froze again in a few minutes.
cntrl/alt/delete to shut it down.

There after it would create a duplicate Movie title with no file location for every title I searched.
Optimizing - with remove duplicates for both movies and people - deleted 257 people and around 70 titles over all.
I mean titles that should have been there.

Rescanned the drives for the movies.
And it really started acting funky.
It would scan and all duel dvds it would only add Disc 2
It would change file locations to the incorrect movie title.

examples of both:

If the title was "Legends of the Fall" - it would give a file location for "The Fall"
(which is another movie title) and delete "The Fall title"

"Lord of the Rings" it would change the file location to "The Ring" another movie and delete "The Ring"

Lord of the Rings: Title one - and Lord of the Rings: Title two - it would only see the First Movie title. and give the file location as the second movie.

Same with any other title such as Pirates of the Carribbean: Movie one; Pirates of the Carribbean: Movie Two; It would list Movie ones title and give the file location for movie two.

It was also trying to add in titles that no longer existed.

I tried restoring etc - nothing worked to correct the issue.

So I copied my db and .ini and deleted PVD and the backups off the usb. and did a re-install.
This fixed the scan issue.
Today with the re-install - and db corrected; ready to finish searching the web for the rest of the movie info and posters.

First things first - update.
Todays update was much much more - including templates etc; where as yesterdays was just the 19 plugins.

After the update - and it re-opened
No images - default plugin for search is gone as are most of them.
Though I show twice as many listed in Import drop down.

Un-installed - same way as before.
Re-installed - added the db and image folder and ... just opened it up and nothing. No images - though the plugins are back.
Did a Restore... no images still

Overwrite the with the backup copy and...
no images.

I haven't updated it again yet - but have to inorder to use the plug-ins and websearch.

Sorry no bug report from yesterday - it froze and my time was up for my online connection.

none yet for today as it is what it is - I'll check the ini and see if it's point correctly if not I have a back up copy of the old db on another comp and will try to fix it later.

thought you'd be interested in this since it's beta...


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Re: PVD 0.99 beta - crash - freeze - loss of content.
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 08:25:58 pm »
two error codes are showing up when updating  - two times now after a re-install
and I take it the problem.

It downloads the updates - states it needs to close to install them.
Starts to re-open and the following appears - twice.

Please re-insert the disk (in my case E:\\)
heading on the error message is pvdinst

click cancel on the first one and the second one appears
Same heading and message.

I'm installing the portable on my main drive and I'll attempt a update.
And see if it still gets the error message or goes with-out incident and post results.

Its not completing the update from what I can see now - what exactly is not being updated - don't know at this point.
I also noticed the pvdconfig.ini file is 12k now not 10k as it has been.


Upating PVD Portable on the C drive went smooth - no error messages.
Copied it to the USB but allas still no images appearing.
All plug-ins are there - defaults are fine

I'll try again tomorrow after I get my original db - see how it goes on the main drive with the original db. after updating.

Anyhow - it only occurs it seems when PVD Portable is on the usb - the update fails part way through.
On the main drive it updates fine.



Okay - its on the usb copied from the C drive.

Running much faster i might add at internet import.
Using and for import of data.

First two attempts - single movie title
- all good as far as data is conserned - But No poster

Third movie title attempt - Fine on the Data - No Poster
Created a duplicate with no file path.

Two were new titles with no info nor poster
The third was one I had data but the poster disappeared.
yesterday - the poster was imported.

Trying a 4th Title now for the gee wiz - one I had imported yesterday with poster but was deleted when optimizing...
...and all info - no poster - created a duplicate...  :(

Also no hang or freeze up so far  :)
- but that said - I've only tried 4 titles...

last update on this for the day...

For the goof - I loaded the backup of my db and Poster folder on the C drive to see how it ran.
(Documents\Personal Video Database\movies\Posters)

Posters are back!
-  However... the titles I had attempted to import with the last 4 attempts - were not.
So... it seems it is importing the data to the usb but not the Posters.

lets try importing once more from the C drive - see if it adds the Poster... one second please.  :)

nope No poster - tried several times with a few titles - only data.

As for the duplicates - possible due to it's searching both IMDB and AllMovies?
I didn't have the individual imports yesterday but see they are there today for IMDB and AllMovies.
So I tried all three so far - only once did it create a duplicate - out of 4 or 5 attempts this time using the search both of them.
It didn't create a dupe so far using the single but I've only tried the individual (IMDB or ALLMovies) 3 times so far.

hope this helps.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 09:25:37 pm by chase »


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Re: PVD 0.99 beta - crash - freeze - loss of content.
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 09:20:45 pm »
There seem to be a number of issues here, none of which are obviously the sort of thing you would need to fix by reinstalling. Version 0.9.9 is not beta—it's the stable release. I see nothing in your post that suggests a bug.

First, can you eliminate the portable version as the possible source of issues? It's only needed for installation with something like PortableApps. Otherwise, the regular version can be installed anywhere (i.e., USB Stick or HDD) and run with the -portable switch (to keep it separate from any other installations—as I've explained previously).

There are circumstances in which the program can freeze or appear to freeze while downloading data. There's no hope of determining what's happening without a log (created if the -debug switch is used) or even knowing which plugin was being used.

BTW, "Web search" is the term by which we refer the feature that passes a title to a specified web page to run a search provided by that page. Plugins and scripts run a search as well (often the very same one), but only on the site they're designed to work with. In that context, it's a "search"—understood to be a particular type (e.g., movie, person) of the subject site.

There after it would create a duplicate Movie title with no file location for every title I searched.

It's not clear what you mean by this. Are you adding movie records and running a plugin to get data, or are you scanning the HDD for movies? I suppose it was...

Rescanned the drives for the movies.

By the nature of the issues, it seems your continuing to ignore the advice already given concerning the configuration of the scanner and either modifying the regex to suit your filenames or vice versa. Also, the file scanner doesn't add or change anything—it reports a list of suggested changes. Some of the suggestions can be changed so they work, others can't. If you understand your regex, you can usually figure out why it's making an unusable suggestion.

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Re: PVD 0.99 beta - crash - freeze - loss of content.
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 09:50:29 pm »
There after it would create a duplicate Movie title with no file location for every title I searched.
It's not clear what you mean by this. Are you adding movie records and running a plugin to get data, or are you scanning the HDD for movies? I suppose it was...

Its creating a duplicate title when attempting to import data from the web.
My rescan of the drive later on - was due to the titles being deleted after optimizing the db. and checking off - delete duplicates. it deleted both copies - not just the dupe.

By the nature of the issues, it seems your continuing to ignore the advice already given concerning the configuration of the scanner and either modifying the regex to suit your filenames or vice versa. Also, the file scanner doesn't add or change anything—it reports a list of suggested changes. Some of the suggestions can be changed so they work, others can't. If you understand your regex, you can usually figure out why it's making an unusable suggestion.

Rick - sorry - I know we have been talking about my creating a tutorial db however - the db I'm refering to in this and the last couple threads are not tutorials - these are movies - regular everyday movies - dvd's. I thought if i see how it works with regular movies it may help with my tutorials - so I scanned my movie files.

Anyhow - my referance is to importing from the web.
This worked pretty well fine yesterday... I changed virtually no settings - only to keep the posters in a seperate file.
It downloaded - fine yesterday with yesterdays update till it froze up.

I re-installed because it was scanning incorrectly and adding incorrect data and file paths.
Something it had already scanned correctly.

Once i re-installed with out updating - it scanned fine again
Again these are just movies. vobs. one folder - one movie. one title. Only a couple have more than one disc.

The only thing changed  - was I updated PVD.
yesterday - and it got info from the web fine till it froze and froze again - the statis bar at the bottome showed it froze for 5 minutes - my connection times out at that so - it wasn't doing anything. it couldn't it wasn't connected to anything after 5 minutes.

I re-installed and updated again today - this time it updated even more than yesterday.
Today it ...
...see above.

I shouldn't have to mess with RegEx to do a scan  - especially movies. That as mentioned - "is what it is designed for"
Its also - from what i see in there designed to scan any type media file/format.

I don't know about RegEx - so I can't talk about it intellegently. But I have noticed that if it scans correctly 5 times. and on the 6 time with no changes except to change the file name to be like those it scanned correctly and it now doesn't scan correctly - then its RegEx that is not consistant.

I have gone through my files and I am extremely good at desifering patterns and labeling / organizing.
RegEx for what ever reason "sees" the pattern - but only for so long.

And I can speak from experience on this - I have relabeled over 200 files - at least ten times each over the past two weeks.
It sees them fine - recognizes the pattern.
Once i see it does - I label all the rest that way - and it doesn't see the pattern anymore.

anyhow... as far as this thread is concerned - your saying in less than 48hrs - touching nothing. I broke this app?
I only updated. and it got worse -or had worse problems each 24hr time span.

It said there was a new beta right over the download - I thought it was refering to this one. this is v0.9.9.21

I'm just trying to use it... it's just not consitant from what i see thus far.
Great app other wise.

edit: I'm not trying to be a pain in the kester by asking so many questions or reporting issues. I try to help when I can - an have helped many a software in the past. I do not know RegEx.

Trust me on this - I have much better things to do than mess with a software such as this - I have 5 other softwares I'm trying to learn. i get nothing from helping developers fix issues or by reporting issues. If I had the source file or knew RegEx - I fix it or redesign the thing to work consistantly myself. It acts like beta. Downloading an app that states it can do something - no one thinks they have to learn programing to run it. It either works or it doesn't work. I'm trying to help when i can. I've spent alot more time on this than i should. I can't wish it to work.

I'm not going to pull my hair out over it. But i did ask - How to set up or how to name files so this thing can see them correctly and others have as well.

Just say how to name the files so it will work if that is a problem. So long as i can keep them in order - and put a title in.
- I'm fine with it. Throw some examples up here for all to see so we can name our files correctly.

Its designed to scan all media types. And even allows you to add more media types.

I know your trying to help - but when i say there is a problem and spend my time to come up here and type all this out.
There is a problem. One I can't fix on my own. or I would.

Like you want to read this type post too.

Here - I'm pouring you a beer...
I'm going to have one myself. As much as I like it - this thing is starting to tic me off - I want to get this db done so i can move on to what i really want to do.
hence after this -  I need a break from it.

If you figure out how to fix it - or how to name the files so there's no issue - please let me know.
Post it.

here's that beer...  ;)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 11:09:18 pm by chase »