Author Topic: How do I merge PVD Databases  (Read 8635 times)

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Offline chase

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How do I merge PVD Databases
« on: May 15, 2012, 08:21:04 pm »
Hi again,

I know I'm asking alot of questions of late but I'm still fresh to PVD and kinda excited at completing my database(s).
it is a great app... the further i get along in setting up my database - the more I wonder how I did without it. It makes life so much easier going through my tutorials... :)

Okay - on to the question at hand.

I have a couple questions regarding merging the databases now that rick and Nostra let me know there is not a 1000 title limit. Hurray!

All m y db's are created using PVD v0.9.9 beta so you know.

I have one data base for regular movies - DVD's. About 300 or so. created with the protable version and once I get all the info and posters from online - I'd like to copy it to my HD and use it with the regular version. However...

In gathering the posters and info on the USB - I'm going to be putting the images in a seperate folder - so I can optimize them and make them all the same size.
The place that the Portable PVD thinks the images are is going to be different than the one on my HD.
As well - the preferences are different.

So how do i go about merging one to the other with out loosing the data from my prefered set up and preference db?

Second part of this question:

I have two databases - all images optimized and in there seperate folders per database.
Lets call them Database 01 and Database 02.

I want to merge both and keep all that both have - all images - all tags - all custome fields, but i want all the images now to be located in one folder. with out loosing any of the data / data fields and or images
 - How would I merge these two PVD dbs?

Is there anything to watch out for when merging them? settings etc etc?

Do I over write one pvdconfig.ini file with the other?

and again is there a help file page on merging PVD databases with various settings I can read up on?

tia for the help


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Re: How do I merge PVD Databases
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 10:13:55 pm »
So how do i go about merging one to the other with out loosing the data from my prefered set up and preference db?

I don't know, but you could backup the image folder and your databases and experiment. Try combining the image folders to one and point both databases to it.

Is there anything to watch out for when merging them? settings etc etc?

Yes. A feature that merges databases. ;D

It's been requested before, but I imagine it's not easy to implement.

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Re: How do I merge PVD Databases
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 06:10:05 pm »
Is there anything to watch out for when merging them? settings etc etc?
Yes. A feature that merges databases.  ;D

lol - good one!

I don't know, but you could backup the image folder and your databases and experiment. Try combining the image folders to one and point both databases to it.

That might work for the images... if I can import the data
I'll try my best and see what i can do.

perhaps exporting one and then try to import and merge them that way...?
I saw a merge feature in there somewhere -
Oh... its in preferences - plugins area.

so... perhaps the feature has been added...? :)
Could it be so...? Possibly...? Maybe...?
I'll have to try it and find out.

If I can keep it running - since the update it crashed shortly after (froze up - contrl/alt/deleted to shut it down)
and I re-installed and re-updated and right after the update my images were gone!
So were a bunch of my web search plug-ins in the preferences.... aaagh!
Trying a re-install now - hopefully that will fix it.  ???

Then - I'll try merging with this merge button!


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Re: How do I merge PVD Databases
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 11:10:36 pm »
Then - I'll try merging with this merge button!

I'm not sure what you're looking at, but probably a function for merging an added recorded with an existing one. The function you're looking for is Append (i.e., as in append one database to another). That hasn't been added yet, but there is a button and shortcut for it in the beta—suggesting it is on nostra's list of good intentions.

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Re: How do I merge PVD Databases
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2012, 11:00:45 pm »
aaah - I see...

Haven't tried the merge button yet - but it does have me curious as to what it does for sure.

It's in the preferences..


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Re: How do I merge PVD Databases
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2012, 12:53:02 am »
It's in the preferences.
