Author Topic: Importing?  (Read 10072 times)

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Offline Queet

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« on: May 04, 2012, 07:06:26 pm »
Hi, I did a quick search, but wasn't able to find what I was looking for on the forums, so was hoping you would be able to help me.

I've been trying to import movie information from, after doing so, the data downloaded measurement increases, and with the section that is being downloaded changes, but so far it has always just stopped after awhile, not downloading any more and appearing to stop responding (the only way to get it to do anything is to alt ctrl del stop vddb process (or whatever it's called).
I've tried this with imdb and too, however this after awhile stopped responding and said so.

While the program may have been downloading more imformation when it appeared not to be responding, the program would dissappear and reappear (both on task bar and the window) as if it were closing and reopening again, doing it once every few seconds.  The 'cancel' button does not change when hovering over it, neither does the close, minimise, or maximise buttons, or any of the toolbars.

I just tried getting a poster for captain america the first avenger and was able to (from, trying now to get movie information from  So far stuck on tt0458339/reviews (66855 bytes). I'm fairly sure that's where one of the other attemps to download movie information failed too. This has been tried on: Captain America, Arriety, and Battle Los Angeles.

I'm running version on Windows 7 (x64)
I couldn't find any problem like mine on the forum, but I do appologise if I've overlooked it.
Does anyone know what's happening?

Edit: Left the Captain America one running, and eventually the download timeout'd.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 07:11:54 pm by Queet »

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Re: Importing?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 07:12:27 pm »
First of all, check if you have the latest plugins and scripts. Also check if the problem is reproducable in 1.x beta.
If nothing helps, then start PVD with -debug command line parameter, reproduce the problem and post the log.txt file created in the application folder.
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Offline Queet

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Re: Importing?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 07:34:36 pm »
Yup, it was all updated.
Downloaded the beta, and retrying with capt. america.
Took awhile, but it got the information. Trying now with Battle: LA and it seemed to do it a lot faster. And lastly Arriety... and again it's done.
Looks like it's solved! Thanks!


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Re: Importing?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 02:06:59 am »
Looks like it's solved! Thanks!

Not so fast... ;)

I've noticed exactly the same thing with the beta for some time now (with the current and previous releases). I assumed it was beta issue, but I haven't been using 0.9.9 much. I doesn't happen consistently, so I've been waiting to see if I could find any evidence of what's going wrong.

I have noticed the IMDb plugin seems to get 'stuck' on the same page (when the problem is happening). I'm not sure, but I think it was the Review page. If the problem is with the plugin, the program should gracefully recover rather than freezing.

Hmm. I wonder if the timeout settings have something to do with this. I notice mine include a 60 second Download thread timeout with 2 Retries on failure. If that means the program would be unresponsive for 3 minutes while a plugin was stuck on something, it's likely I've never been patient enough to wait it out. :-\

Offline Queet

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Re: Importing?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 12:08:47 pm »
Yep. Using the import from imdb for Black Swan, tried it once - it stopped responding, and I left it until windows said it had stopped responding (rather than assuming it was).
I've got no idea how to do command line stuff, so have no idea how to do a debug command unfrotunatly. Second attempt, it timeout'd. Third attempt: it managed it.

Also, had noticed that a few of the movies had been deleted from the file (such as black swan) along with the movie screenshots - it's not a big deal, but figured I should mention it incase it wasn't known. :P
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 12:12:29 pm by Queet »


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Re: Importing?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 08:04:42 pm »
I'm able to recreate the problem by using a proxy server IMDb doesn't seem to like. Following are log excerpts, which don't show much other than the download process stopping. The freeze occurs about a minute after the activity stops. The first part includes a connection problem, further suggesting the plugin is not gracefully recovering from such events.

Code: [Select]
(05/05/2012 11:30:53 AM) Plugin loaded: imdb.dll
(05/05/2012 11:33:22 AM) Logging in...
(05/05/2012 11:33:22 AM) POST:
(05/05/2012 11:33:22 AM) Searching movie information for: Artist
(05/05/2012 11:33:22 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:33:23 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:33:23 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:33:24 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:33:25 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:33:39 AM) Socket Error # 11001
Host not found.
(05/05/2012 11:33:39 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:33:39 AM) GET:
(Program restarted)
(05/05/2012 11:39:34 AM) Logging in...
(05/05/2012 11:39:34 AM) POST:
(05/05/2012 11:39:35 AM) Searching movie information for: Artist
(05/05/2012 11:39:35 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:39:36 AM) GET:
(05/05/2012 11:39:36 AM) GET:

The screenshot shows how the program loses the ability to redraw the screen. This happens every time. The program is completely frozen a few seconds after this occurs.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: Importing?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2012, 12:31:49 pm »
I'm able to recreate the problem by using a proxy server IMDb doesn't seem to like.

What is this proxy you are using to reproduce the problem?
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Re: Importing?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2012, 12:51:30 pm »
What is this proxy you are using to reproduce the problem?


It's not consistent, but the problem happens more frequently when I'm using it. It's not happening now. Maybe it has something to do with me downloading torrents at the same time, which is what I most often use the proxy for (to prevent my ISP from throttling the downloads).

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Re: Importing?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2012, 01:09:39 pm »
I will try it.

I could not reproduce the problem here and I am using BitTorrent 100% of the time, so it should not be the problem...
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