What happened to the Tools menue and Preferences, this is\was a one stop place to configure everything?
What happened to the Play button (and area to configure which video player to use; or does it just look at the ending .avi; .mkv, .org, .mp4 and use what ever player I assigned to play these files)? I still miss this Play button.
The reason I would like to set Web Search to Title is because again, this is a one stop place where; if I go back to where I found the movie at, instead of IMDB, I not only get the IMDB url, but I can also get the cover image which sometimes are missing, I can first high-light the Title, the text in the Web Search box to copy it, then hit the the Web Search button, find the link on the google site, then go to it, first find the image\cover poster right-click to save it, then find the IMDB url, copy and paste it into the url section for the movie data and then use the Get IMDB Data button. If the picture\poster is missing I already have it saved to put in.
I like option #1;
A drop-down list of relevant fields to choose from (Title, Original Title, AKA, Series, Studio, Director, first 3 Actors, IMDb tt#, File Path, etc.). Plus a very useful one: 'Clipboard'. (While I'm dreaming—it would be nice if any text selected in the program could be right-clicked for a context menu including Copy. Or since that may be the only applicable command, maybe just another variable for 'Selected text'.) It could default to the MRU.
Hope you choose to implement this in the beta release.