Hi everybody.
Since I had the mad idea to create my own skin some general and some specific questions concerning skins popped up:
1. Is it possible to crash PVD with a buggy or erroneous skin, corrupt the installation or even chip the database? I think I managed several times to do so… I switched to my skin and had to refresh manually just to receive a crash report, but after hitting “continue app” I could use my skin. However, every time I opened “settings” PVD crashed again … until it stopped working at all (toolbar got emptied, movie list turned black) and I had to re-install. It always complained about
007a6a23 mov eax, [ebp-8]
007a6a26 mov ecx, [eax]
007a6a28 call dword ptr [ecx+$3c]
007a6a2b lea edx, [ebp-$b4]
007a6a31 lea eax, [ebp-$a4]
007a6a37 > call -$31f018 ($487a24) ; Variants.@VarToUStr
007a6a3c mov edx, [ebp-$a4]
007a6a42 mov eax, [ebx+$2a4]
007a6a48 call -$253e21 ($552c2c) ; Controls.TControl.SetText
007a6a4d 110 lea edx, [ebp-$c4]
007a6a53 mov eax, [ebp-4]
Once it even ate all my posters and I had to fall back to a backup to get them out again.
Oh, it all happened on a Win7 machine, x32 and x64, almost forgot.
2. Are there known issues with custom fields spread all over the skin?
3. How can I prevent an unfilled field from collapsing? If the field “origtitle” is not populated (because it is the same as the title) it ‘collapses’ and the column from the right takes its place… Or how can I switch “origtitle” to ‘permanent display mode’?
4. Does it get harder to display the skin if there are lots of blank lines and comments in it?