English > Feature Suggestions
my wishlist
hi all
I would like to see the following features
additional movie fields
* msID (aka website id) Table:wwwMIDs[MID, site(s.text/base_url), msID(s.text)] msID=mostly an integer but not allways
* critic (memo)
* notice (memo)
* independent movie template (filename) ( would be nice for series, category, generes)
comment: [msID]: this would make it much easier to decide whether a movie is allready listet or not
additional person fields
* psID (aka website id) Table:wwwPIDs[PID, site(s.text/base_url), psID(s.text)]
* gender (integer)
* critic (memo)
* notice (memo)
*** custom fields
comment: [psID]: this would make it much easier to decide whether an actor is allready listet or not
additional movie image fields
* (PIDs) to link a person to an image
* hint (short text)
* sort (integer) to sort images
comment: if * (PIDs on images) then there should be a function
in persons imageview MODE, aka (show him/her on screens) to make sense
additional actor/crew fields
* sort (integer) to sort by importance
* mainA (boolean) to mark their importance and maybe to have a criteria for a shortlist on skinning
true:main actor (default:false)
additional crew fields
( by importance )
*** cinematographer
*** cutter
*** sound
** novel
** screenplay
* effects
* make-up
* costume design
* production design
* lights
* wardrobe
* stunts
* set decoration
* requisite
programm behaivor
[scripting feature] (* AddFieldValueToLastActor / * AddFieldValueXMLToLastActor)
when adding an actor via movie import
* the posibility to fill additional field data for the last added actor
[scripting feature] (* AddFieldValueToLastEpisode / * AddFieldValueXMLToLastEpisode)
when adding a episode via via movie import
* the posibility to fill additional field data for the last added episode
[scripting feature] (* AddFieldValueToLastMovie / * AddFieldValueXMLToLastMovie)
when adding a movie via persons filmogarphy import
* the posibility to fill additional field data for the last added movie
[scripting feature]
* real RegEx
* a php like funtion flip array which changes key/val to val/key is sometimes very helpful
* posibility to share functions withhin an extern script file
so i dont have to rewrite them al the time
when adding an actor via movie import
* add new ones; on existing ones only overwrite role and add url
[plugin settings]
* custom plugin settings via batch import
( this means the settings of a plugin can different from main settings
when it is called via batch import
so it will behave diffrent from calling it directly
I would need this in a lot of cases)
[screenshoots, poster...]
* image sorting (let be the first image the default one)
when viewing movies (a limited "clear fields" option aka "clear persons")
* delete all persons from this movie/s
when viewing movies (a limited "clear fields" option aka "clear connections")
* delete all connections from this movie/s
* background images
* box, image shaddows (like browser behaivior)
* popup tabs buttons (like double click on screenshoots, poster ... with fadeIn,fadeOut would be great)
it would be a very nice thing to have a ini file
aka "new_databas.ini"
* where all customfield are stored
so when we generate a new empty DB
all those fields will be generated automaticly
* also for default list-items
* also for visible data-fields
* and for plugin-settings
* .... image-path etc.
if we would have independent movie templates
[assign templates]
* assign independent template to selected movies
* assign independent template to all episodes
* assign independent template by category, genere ....
thats my pers. wishlist so far
and once again
, thanks nostra
thanks for the app
the best p.MovieDatabase I know out there
cu meriator
PS. minor bug on
when a costum field is assigned to the main tab or any other tab
then custom tab disapears completly
one thing I forgot
as it would be realy useful ;) for the webpage I curently trying to parse
in a lot of times they return so many results
but they limited the results to view on 10 per page
and I did not found any way till yet to change that ... :(
(this page has a 1m searchstring :-X
but they have allmost all of the old goodies ( movie lang: german only)
but the site it self is multilang german / english also the descirptions,
what a challenge )
So it would be very helpfuly on certain website
to be able to add navigetion buttons to the search form
AddSearchHint (Hint :String);
AddSearchTitleButton (State : Byte; Increment : Integer; URL :String; MT : Byte);
(automaticly on movie/person search) Result := prList;
(automaticly on image search) Result := prListImage;
1 :first page jump (increment not needed)
2: high jump back
3: low jump back
4: low jump forward
5: high jump forward
6: last page jump (increment not needed)
MT : 0=GET; 1=POST;
or if possible ( the short way )
AddPagerTitleButton (fP : Byte; curP, lastP , hits : Integer; URL%S : String; MT : Byte);
(automaticly) Result := prList/prListImage;
fP ..... : firstpage 0=zero; 1=1; (some times the first page is zero)
curP .. : a positive integer value for the curent page
lastP . : a positive integer value for the last page
URL ... : URL string containg "%i" to fill in the increment and "%s" for the title
MT .... : 0=GET; 1=POST;
By the way it would be nice to have the posibility to force
whether the origtitle or the title is injected to the search string
maybe like "%t"(title) OR "%ot"(origtitle)
cu meriator
PS. .. just a wishlist .. me, a dreamer?
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