For field mfYear I have this code
curPos := Pos('> del', HTML);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := curPos + 6;
EndPos := PosFrom(',', HTML, curPos);
AddFieldValue(mfYear, Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
LogMessage('Anno: ' + Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
replace with this code
curPos := Pos('Prodotto nel', HTML);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := curPos + 12;
EndPos := PosFrom('.', HTML, curPos) - 7;
AddFieldValue(mfYear, Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
LogMessage('Anno: ' + Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
and now works correctly.
For field mfCountry I have this code
curPos := Pos('Prodotto in', HTML);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := curPos + 12;
EndPos := PosFrom('.', HTML, curPos);
AddFieldValue(mfCountry, Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
LogMessage('Country: ' + Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
replace with this code
curPos := Pos('Prodotto nel', HTML);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := curPos + 21;
EndPos := PosFrom('.', HTML, curPos);
AddFieldValue(mfCountry, Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
LogMessage('Country: ' + Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos )));
//AddCustomFieldValueByName('Country2', Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos , Endpos - curPos)));
and now works correctly, the rest do not know (yet).