Author Topic: WebSearch input data question  (Read 5860 times)

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Offline leogets

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WebSearch input data question
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:41:56 pm »
Is there anyway to have the text of WebSearch comprise of the Title of the movie display to the end user instead of using the Original Title of the movie.  This way I could use it to find the information  through another site that is needed by PVD to update the movie data.
Right now I have to double-click on the movie name in the left pane and the highlight and copy the Title of movie where no data was found and then paste it into the websearch box.

eg: In my naming scheme, I capitalize the First Letter of each word.  When a scan is done for new movies, some of those movies I might not be able to find the data for, simply because in the Original Title a small i is used for the word is or a small t for the word the.

In Preferences under Movies\Title Formatting.  I just found and selected to 'capitalize first letters in all words' Not sure if this will make a difference or not seeing as how my Filenames are like this to begin with during the scanning process.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 12:01:23 am by leogets »

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Re: WebSearch input data question
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 12:07:32 am »
No, currently there is no such possibility
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