Author Topic: Assigning file path to episode.  (Read 8411 times)

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Offline Two Wire

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Assigning file path to episode.
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:31:36 am »
Over the years, I have never been able to batch assign the file path to a TV episode, other than manually. Well, I have renamed all my files, and now I am facing this task once again and I don't want to do it "one file at a time" . I have searched the forum and have found some references for doing this, but still have had no luck. I can import the series with no problems.

Is there someone who can walk me through this? My current file naming convention is as follows: http:\\Television\ Series Name\Season 1\s01e01-File name.mpeg



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Re: Assigning file path to episode.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 02:31:12 am »
The File scanner is designed to match files to records in the database using regex to match patterns in the filepath. If your convention is consistent, you should have no problem configuring it to do so. A single regex expression should do it—finding the Series in the folder name and the Season and Episode in the "s01e01" of the filename.

Offline Two Wire

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Re: File Scanner & RegEx Question....
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 10:16:30 pm »
I need some help. After several hours of trying different options and combinations I give up

I have imported the TV series, season, episode and metedata by using the New Movie Master option. Then I used the Tools\Scan Folders option to add the file paths to each of the episode. Herein. lies my problem. After I select the proper series folder and press the Process button, nothing seems to happen.  No file paths appear
anywhere that I can find. I have also tried repeating this by starting at the seasons folder, and then at the episode folder, with the same results. The only way I can associate a file path with an episode is to use the Edit option for each episode, and to do it manually.

I have used this "manual" method for most of my TV collection, and it has been very time consuming. At one point, I seem to recall figuring this process out after looking through this thread. But, that was some time ago, and now nothing makes sense to me. I thought I did a scan at the series folder level, and then used  the Movies\Organize Files by Episode option to associate the file path with its epispde. I cannot get this sequence to work so I must have remembered wrong.

If I find a solution for this I am going to write it up and keep it posted in several places at my desk.

Can anyone help me with this?

Offline Two Wire

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Using File Scanner to find new file paths
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2011, 03:41:53 am »
I posted this question in another thread and got no rsponse, so I am reposting to a new thread.

My problem is that I have forgotten how to associate file paths to episodes. After several hours of trying different options and combinations I give up.I have imported the TV series, season, episode and metedata by using the New Movie Master option. Then I used the Tools\Scan Folders option to add the file paths to each of the episode. Herein. lies my problem. After I select the proper series folder and press the Process button, nothing seems to happen.  No file paths appear anywhere that I can find. I have also tried repeating this by starting at the seasons folder, and then at the episode folder, with the same results. The only way I can associate a file path with an episode is to use the Edit option for each episode, and to do it manually.

I have used this "manual" method for most of my TV collection, and it has been very time consuming. At one point, I seem to recall figuring this process out. But, that was some time ago, and now nothing makes sense to me. I thought I did a scan at the series folder level, and then used  the Movies\Organize Files by Episode option to associate the file path with its epispde. I cannot get this sequence to work so I must have remembered wrong.

If I find a solution for this I am going to write it up and keep it posted in several places at my desk.

Can anyone help me with this?


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Re: Assigning file path to episode.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2011, 08:29:46 am »
I posted this question in another thread and got no rsponse, so I am reposting to a new thread.

You didn't respond to my original answer in August 1. I've consolidated all your posts here in the hope we don't get lost again.

The program design does not intend that paths be entered manually—especially recurring episodes. The file scanner uses regular expressions to recognize information in the file paths of the files it's directed to scan, and uses that information to match the files to records in your database. It's your responsibility to change the default regex in the configuration to suit the file naming conventions you're using, or to change you file naming conventions to conform to the regex provided.

There are a number of topics here discussing how to do this. You'll find most of them by searching for "regex." There's also handy little utility at the very end of the Download section to help with testing regex to determine how they'll work with your filenames.

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Re: Assigning file path to episode.
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 01:55:19 am »
Rick, thanks for reminding me of my earlier post. When you reach 70 yrs., the memory sometimes fails.
I have tried several regex scripts, but unfortunately, none of them worked. Maybe sometime this  winter, when things slow down, I will revisit regex.


