Hi all,
I have a little problem with my skin (it's a selfcreated one).
The problem is that in edit mode the cursor in some fields takes on the color of a section which I don't where to look for (in the xml or application). The background however has the color configured by the skin (section). The only problem is the "unknown" color doesn't match very well with the background color and therefore the cursor is nearly invisible.
To make everyone clearer what's the problem I attached two screenshots where you can see the behaviour.
In the first one the cursor is black and the background is bright so no problem.

In the second one instead the cursor has a "dirty" green and the background is a dark magenta and so you can't see it. On the screenshot the cursor is after the word MKV. If you look further you see that also the border around the fields in edit mode have this same "dirty" green.

My question is how I can change this unwanted color? I would be thankful for any suggestion. If it is a help I can upload the xml of the skin.
Thank you very much
OS: XP/Windows 7