English > Feature Suggestions

Forward and Back Toolbar buttons assosiated with File Path entries only

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I would like to see the next version incorperate forward and back buttons that work in conjunction with the entries made for File Path.  This way I don't always have to keep browsing the explorer, just to get the directory address to paste to an entry for File Path; if I've already been there once I would like to be able to just hit the/a back button to take me back there once more.

Hope this won't be too hard to incorperate.

So, you need those in the File Selection dialog, right?

I was thinking more of toolbar icons which would be listed along with the others under Preferences, Appearance, Toolbar. Perhaps somewhere in the list near the Next record and Previous record icons.
This way the user can decide if they would like to apply them or not.
Forward Back buttons for File Path entries only.
Such as:
- Forward File Path Entry
- Backward File Path Entry

Note; These buttons will only be useable if the viewable item on the toolbar was set to File Path instead of the default Title + Original Title + Aka.  The amount of entries to be remembered should be user defined from say 6 to 12.

I do not really understand: I am on a record A which has File Path D:\Movies\a.avi, where do the Forward and Backward buttons would bring me then?

So I guess in the area for the File Path entry you entered an A.
So what did you enter in that same file just prior to this A? Whatever you entered is where you will go next if you select the back button.

Just think of these buttons as the buttons of the windows xp explorer.  Forward and Back buttons for directories.


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