English > Feature Suggestions
omdb.si (and omdb.org)
However, I tried a little experiment with omdbsi script and I had a little success that I have come to so far it works Searchresults, but not for each movie title, but only for a certain movie title further, it is not, (a problem already arises in the URL Title, which do not manage to solve the problem), but I think it would probably be a good review the whole scenario script, as well as probably be correct procedure ParseSearchResults, therefore, add (appendix) also OMDbSI script to test if someone might have something there to help with this.
Thank you for your help.
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--- Quote from: Ivek23 on June 28, 2011, 07:54:28 pm ---However, I tried a little experiment with omdbsi script and I had a little success that I have come to so far it works Searchresults, but not for each movie title, but only for a certain movie title further, it is not, (a problem already arises in the URL Title, which do not manage to solve the problem), but I think it would probably be a good review the whole scenario script, as well as probably be correct procedure ParseSearchResults, therefore, add (appendix) also OMDbSI script to test if someone might have something there to help with this.
Thank you for your help.
--- End quote ---
Add correction:
There is still a topical issue in Searchresults but with the copied Url Title work for those info data what I need. I'm not able to find solutions how to add URL
Posters and rating, therefore add yet OMDbSI mod script.
This script is for test.
I forgot to mention that all information transferred to a custom field.
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I'll just ask here for rating:
At this address http://www.omdb.si/index.php/ofilm/?i=699&eps=1 the movie 100 Girls (2000) looks like the rating (5.2/ 10) (5 votes), but I wonder how would this code
--- Code: ---//Rating
AddCustomFieldValueByName('OMDb.SI', FloatToStr((StrToFloat(HTMLValues(HTML,
'<td height="25" nowrap="nowrap">', 'Rating:',
'<img src=', '.gif"',
', ', EndPos)) + 1)/2));
--- End code ---
can turn into a star rating, but now I get a 0.5 star rating,how do you get to 5.2 stars rating.
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