Okay, since I don't know how the xml is setup for this thing I'll assume anything can be written in as long as you have the tags for it. That being said there needs to be some other things I think. So here's a list of features i'd like to see implemented as they would reflect some of the overall better features I've seen in other softwares. I'm not sure if any of these have been suggested already or not.
1 - implement custom images fields that can be set for whatever size. Lots of uses for this. Customimage01, customimage02, etc. For instance. That way the custom images can be used for banners or season images or something.
2 - with a lot of software using a hierarchical look, the lack of interactivity within the various branches of the tree make it difficult to organize things sometimes. Therefore, any main branch should be able to read things from the sub branches under it. This would be good for series, ie all episodes you have/want at a glance, or for websites and things where you download videos that you are cataloging, ie certain scenes from vod adult sites or support videos related to series you like. The potential here is amazing merely from an organizational pov.
3 - there must be some way to add more customizability to the skins layout. I've looked at a few other pieces of software that use xml for the data display so I know there's other options. I just don't know what all goes into the programming of said layout as its been quite awhile since I worked with any programming language.
4 - customize what gets displayed in the tree listing. A lot of other software has this ability, although some don't and it can be quite helpful in determing what gets quick displayed at a glance.
Since I'm at work right now its hard adding to this list so I'll add to it more later.
- katleeh