English > Feature Suggestions

"Wish" and "Own" are different things

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I apologize if this has been brought up before, but the way this program uses "wish" as a synonym for "not owned" is very confusing to the user and at a minimum the name of the filter should match the name on the movie screen, whether it be wish or own. Personally I think it should remain as the actual field name, which is wish, since all other possibilities would then still be available.

1. Seen (wish to see is covered by "seen" simply being off)
2. Wish (Means wish to own)
3. Owned (does not need it's own check since it can be filtered based on whether there is a media location or not) (Would be nice to have a preset filter for this though)

whereas if "wish" was changed to "owned", "wish to own" would be difficult to implement for the user, unless they used the owned field as a wish field, which would be a bit irritating.

In summary I think it makes sense that the wish field should just be consistently referred to as wish, and that there should be a preset filter that would filter "owned" or "not owned" based on whether there were a media location or not.

Any thoughts

Update: I see the naming is now consistent in the beta version, but it would still be very handy to have a preset filter for whether there was a media location or not, like there is for whether there is a file path or not.

Filters are explained here.

--- Quote ---In summary I think it makes sense that the wish field should just be consistently referred to as wish, and that there should be a preset filter that would filter "owned" or "not owned" based on whether there were a media location or not.
--- End quote ---

I agree the captions could be more concise, and that's why it has been changed in the beta. Otherwise, I think the filters are already the way you're suggesting they should be. Bear in mind the filters are what they are. Each one is simple an precise in it's behaviour. Users can have different kinds of collections (i.e., one might have no "wish" items, another might include only video that exist). There's no need to restrict their meaning and use to one narrow interpretation. If the captions don't "fit" how one wants to use the filters, they can be changed using a custom language file.

I did see that the inconsistency between wish and own has been fixed in the beta version, and in the correct way in my opinion, but if we use wish for it's named purpose - to indicate movies we "wish" to own - then there is still no quick filter for movies we own, since simply not having a wish to own, is not the same thing as not owning. We may have seen a movie, not own it, and also not wish to own it. There still needs to be a quick filter for media label or media location in my opinion to quickly filter for movies we own or don't own.

Of course the beta version with it's saved filters makes this a very minor issue of consistency rather than function.


--- Quote ---There still needs to be a quick filter for media label or media location in my opinion to quickly filter for movies we own or don't own.
--- End quote ---

How would that be any different than the existing filter based on the existence of a File Path?


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