Yes, AllMovie has been replaced by AllRovi. I think we're screwed. Although the content is the same, it appears a lot of it (e.g., keywords, themes, tones, moods, etc.) has been dropped. Although the page designs are similar, it seems things have been changed enough our scripts will require complete rewrites. Now I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop—these pinheads are likely to do the same thing to AllMusic.

I wouldn't expect nostra to get around to this anytime soon. Even if he could, there may be further changes coming—assuming Rovi is inclined to respond to the flood of complaints this is likely to generate. There's no point trying to rewrite a script for a site that keeps changing. On the other hand, I suspect there are many of us for whom this is a major problem.
You might want to try adapting the old script to the new site. To do that, you'll probably need to refer to the old pages to understand how the script needs to change. They're still available in the Google cache, and can be found with the search: [Title] [Page] where "Page" is Overview (or omitted), Review, Cast, Production or Cast. Select the "Cached" link from the search results page. That's how the page in the screen shot was obtained.
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