Author Topic: Move movies/series?  (Read 5543 times)

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Offline lilleman

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Move movies/series?
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:03:58 am »
First of all I would like to say HI and that I really looking forward to know this great little application better as it seems really nice.
But, I have some small problems getting it the way I want and I wanna start with the most important to me first.
I have scanned my discs and it found most of my files if not all but this thing bother me:

I would like all my James Bond movies to get into one "folder" OR not in any folder.
My question here is: How to move them, either to one folder or to the "root"?
I've tried right click, drag/drop and looking in the menu without any luck.
There is a "Organize files by episodes" option, but no matter what I try it is still grayed out?

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Re: Move movies/series?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 12:32:27 am »
The files were recognized as episodes, but they are not. You need to remove all these entries first (hold CTRL while deleting to remove the records fully from the database). Then go to Tools -> Preferences -> File Scanner and uncheck "smart episodes detection". Scan your movies and check if they are not recognized as episodes. If it is still wrong, then post the names of the files you are trying to add, so I can check which regular expression needs to be changed, so PVD gets the right information.
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