English > Feature Suggestions
Scan favorite folders
Hi all,
I know it is possible in PVD to save a path to scan everytime PVD is started, but this is not a solution in my case because my movie folders are in different hard drives of a network computer. Also scanning them takes time and ressources so I really don't want to do this everytime PVD starts.
I want however to scan them everytime I add movie files to that network computer. And the problem is that going through the "select directory or files" to select these hard drives far away in my network takes a long time. I have to select them one by one, and PVD scans them every time I tick the box next to them. The whole process of selecting them before the actual scan is about 6 minutes if I am fast.
Hence my idea: Could there be a way in pvd to have these hard drives selected by default in a menu so that I only have to press a button to scan them whenever I need to do so?
Thanks for listening.
--- Quote ---Could there be a way in pvd to have these hard drives selected by default in a menu so that I only have to press a button to scan them whenever I need to do so?
--- End quote ---
It already works that way for local drives. Are you saying the configuration will not save network drives?
I want to scan only when I choose to scan, not everytime pvd opens.
Actually I feel stupid, I did not realize that I could save the folders, but not tick the box that says "scan everytime pvd starts".
Still, the only way to scan when I want, is to tick the box, close pvd, open pvd (do the scan and everyting) then untick the box before closing pvd again.
A "scan favorites folders now" button would solve this workaround.
EDIT: By playing with it I just realize that it DOES it!
I must have waisted so much time going through the ticking process...
--- Quote ---I must have waisted so much time going through the ticking process...
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Now there's something for the wish list. PVD should tell us when we're doing something the hard way! ;D
--- Quote from: rick.ca on March 05, 2011, 04:48:08 am ---
--- Quote ---I must have waisted so much time going through the ticking process...
--- End quote ---
Now there's something for the wish list. PVD should tell us when we're doing something the hard way! ;D
--- End quote ---
He should be but seems he was not there in this time.
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