To illustrate my question another example:
I create a new db.
I add a movie, e.g. "Leon" and save.
Now i add another movie of the same title "Leon" and save.
But no selection dialog appeared; PVD didn't recognize that there is already a movie of the same name.
(i don't know if this is a bug or a feature, because i just don't know the condition that must be met to pop up the selection dialog)
i played around and found, that the selection dialog also doesn't appear if
1. i add "Leon", original title "Leon", year: 2000
2. and then i add the same movie with the same entries as given in 1. and save. Again no selection dialog, PVD just adds a new movie.
There are two entries in the "MOVIE" table, both of same title and year (see screenshot)
Of course, i checked the option "Show selection dialog if similar records are already in the database".
(but what means "similar"?

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