I uploaded new version. Rating is also added as custom field but maybe its useless if someone will use my script as the main script to gather movies info.
i := Pos('<span class="average">', HTML);
if i>0 then
i := PosFrom('>', HTML, i);
j := PosFrom('<', HTML, i);
lStr := Copy(HTML, i+1, j-i-1);
lStr := StringReplace(lStr, ',', '.', true, true, false);
Log('Rating: '+lStr);
AddFieldValueXML('orating', lStr);
AddFieldValueXML('orname', 'Filmweb.pl');
AddCustomFieldValueByName(cCF_Rating, lStr);
As you see, to custom fields you must use AddCustomFieldValueByName(fieldName, value) where fieldName is matched to field name in "Tools -> Preferences -> Movies -> Custom fields".