Author Topic: Moving video files  (Read 8871 times)

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Offline deazo

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Moving video files
« on: December 30, 2010, 10:24:56 am »
 Hi all,
 I am posting this in feature suggestions because I suspect the answer to be "no", but please feel free to delete/move this message if it is possible. And explain to me how please! [Edit: Moved to Support]

 First example:
   _ My movies/Shorts/Series files are all in the same directory (i.e. spread accross several hard drives) and I would like to start grouping the series and shorts into two separate folders called "Series" and "Shorts". I would like to use PVD's help to do this, by applying a filter to "shorts" for example and then move all the corresponding files to a new folder called "Shorts". Of course in the process I would like PVD to automatically change the file paths...
Second example:
  _ My friend would like to put a few of my movies onto his USB hard drive. He plugs it in, Select a few movies in (the Grid maybe?) PVD and then copy (not move) the movies files into his Hard drive.

I know I can do the "open containing folder" but it is one video at a time, right?


« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 07:49:17 pm by »


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Re: Moving video files
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 08:02:21 pm »
1. If configured properly, Scan Folders... will detect and record any changes to file paths.

2. Use an export template to move files for any selected movies. The purpose could be (1) to change your folder structure, or (2) to copy files to another drive. I don't recall where it (or the idea) came from, but I have this "Copy Files" template in my collection:

Code: [Select]
filter="Batch Files|*.bat"
md Video2Go
copy "{%value=path}" D:\Video2Go\
explorer D:\Video2Go

You would, of course, modify this to suit your particular need.

Offline deazo

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Re: Moving video files
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 08:19:21 pm »

 OK so if I understand correctly, I would just need to filter my series for example, then run the export template to move the series to a specific place.
 Then Scan folder would change the paths.

 Could you tell me how to modify the text you proposed?
 Are the variables "D" and "md Video2go"? I guess these are the target folder?

 Thanks for your support and happy new year to you!

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Re: Moving video files
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 09:29:59 pm »
Check out the new file functions in version 1: organize files, move files, delete files ;)
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Re: Moving video files
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2010, 09:40:34 pm »
OK so if I understand correctly, I would just need to filter my series for example, then run the export template to move the series to a specific place.  Then Scan folder would change the paths.

Yes. Export routines apply to whatever is visible. If Scan Folders was used to match files in the first place, you can be confident it will detect and record the changes. If you've added files manually (perhaps because Scan Folders could not match them), then you can't expect it to match them.

I provided the template only to illustrate a batch file can be created and run using the Export feature. Given their nature, you have to understand exactly what a batch file is going to do before you execute it. Depending on how confident you are with DOS commands, that might include testing, one command at a time, in a command window. Here's the illustration with comments:

filter="Batch Files|*.bat"
Save file as a batch command file.
Warning: If "Open file on completion" is selected, the batch file will be executed immediately.

Set the destination drive.    
md Video2Go
Make directory "Video2Go."
If the folder already exists, the appropriate command would be "cd" (change directory).

copy "{%value=path}" D:\Video2Go\
For each visible movie,
Copy [File path] to the destination folder.
To move files, use "move" instead of "copy."

explorer D:\Video2Go
Optional: Open the destination folder in Explorer.