I was wondering, is there any [semi-]automatic or programmatic way to remove embedded images from a group of records?
I have screen shots (thumbnails, really) for most of my movies, as well as multiple photos for many actors and actresses, but my database is really swelling in size. I'm considering the removal of most or all of the screen shots, as well as the extra person photos (all but the first photo for any given person). But not if I have to go through all the records one-by-one and remove the photos manually!
I realize there's no real upper limit on the size of a PVD database, but I just fear that it'll eventually become unmanageable and start to slow everything down. Already, if I'm in People View and choose "View/Group by/Career", it takes a few seconds to process the over 4000 performers in my database.
So, it would be nice if there was a menu item or script for removing certain types of images, but since there doesn't appear to be, is there any alternative?