Author Topic: [SOLVED] Duplicating behaviour on creating new movies  (Read 9838 times)

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Offline alfa60

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[SOLVED] Duplicating behaviour on creating new movies
« on: October 02, 2010, 02:07:21 pm »
Im using and Im trying to understand why sometimes I create a new movie by hand in the PVC database, it gets duplicated after I import movie information.

For example: I create a new movie with CTRL+N, and type at the second top field '20000 leagues under the sea'. I apply the changes, and then I select that movie and click on Import > Get movie information from and PVC then does its magic, ask me to select the movie on a big list of similar names and gets all information. But when it finishes, I have a second new movie in the left list pane! That '20000 leagues under the sea' is there with some of the information *AND* there is a second new movie created with the corrected title '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' (corrected case/punctuation original title). Also, some fields appear only at the first movie, and some others, only at the second movie.

Is there any way I can avoid this, by consolidating all data and all fields collected on that first movie I created?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 08:19:38 pm by »

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Re: Duplicating behaviour on creating new movies in PVC
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 07:58:57 pm »
CAD, the second link has no bearing on the question, and I don't think a new user can be expected to understand why the first might.

Alfa60, it sounds like the problem occurs when it "asks to select the movie on a big list of similar names." The plugin has run a search at one of the source sites, and is asking you which movie to select from the search results. The dialog includes check boxes for selecting multiple items. The only purpose for this to run a search for something like "Lord of the Rings," and then select all three. The result will be to add and download information for three movies in the series all at once.

Most of the time, however, you'll only be interested in properly identifying the one movie you're trying to add. The fastest way to do that is to double-click on it in the list. If you're not sure which is the right one, select the most likely one and click the link at the bottom to open that page in your browser. If that's hopeless (and occasionally it is), do your own search at the source. When you find the correct movie, cut & paste it's URL into the URL field of the record and run the import again. When it has the URL it doesn't need to do a search, and will download the information directly.

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Re: Duplicating behaviour on creating new movies in PVC
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2010, 08:43:51 pm »
Thank you for the fast replies, CAD and

The problem is Im absolutely sure that I am identifying correctly the movie by double clicking on it at the list of possible matches (the checkbox is getting checked, so to overwrite). But Im still trying to understand why PVD duplicates the movie: In my previous example, I create a new movie at a new, empty database, and I am positively sure that I selected the correct movie at the list os possible matches. But no matter how I select it (by checking its checkbox and clicking OK, or by triple-clicking the item on the list), A duplicate movie is created, and I end up with two instances of the same movie on my movie list pane.

The only way I could avoid the automatic creating of the duplicate movie was by informing the IMDB URL field before importing movie information, as suggested. But, is this the expected behaviour of PVD then? There is nothing I can do to avoid the duplication without using the URL field?


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Re: Duplicating behaviour on creating new movies in PVC
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2010, 10:11:24 pm »
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. The check boxes are only for creating duplicate records. Don't use them at all. Select the item (not the check box!) in the list and click OK, or just double-click it.

Offline alfa60

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Re: Duplicating behaviour on creating new movies in PVC
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2010, 11:07:59 pm »
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. The check boxes are only for creating duplicate records. Don't use them at all. Select the item (not the check box!) in the list and click OK, or just double-click it.

PERFECT! It was so simple, yet I was not seeing it! Thank you very much for your patience,!

