English > Feature Suggestions
Subtitles scan?
Hi all,
I have a lot of .avi movie files with next to them subtitles files (either .srt or .sub+.idx ones).
The subtitles files are named the same as the movie files.
Wouldn't it be possible for the folder scan to scan through the directory where the movie file is stored and spot these subtitles files?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it does not do that at the moment.
It only recognize subtitles if they are in the container, e.g. an mkv file.
This feature would greatly help me find out about movies were subs are missing.
I have this on my TODO list already ;)
Thanks a lot, nostra!
Nostra that's great news, can't wait for the next release!
Just for your info, but I'm sure you already thought of that. Some subfiles are written with language at the end.
I mean something like Terminator.en.srt
or Terminator.fr.srt
So it would be great if the scan could pick these languages as well.
And even better if we could customize it so that it picks up things like "eng" or "fre", and so on.
Thanks for everything.
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