Author Topic: Black blocks in custom skin  (Read 7090 times)

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Offline Hyomil

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Black blocks in custom skin
« on: August 23, 2010, 03:58:42 am »
I've been getting black bars/blocks like this in my custom skin (modified from PVD Classic Tabs) for some time:

There's a lot of them like this when first starting PVD and they gradually diminish in number as I click different movies in the left pane.  On expandable fields, clicking the minus and then the plus will also remove them.

Things I've tried:
1. Comparing the skin code for rows where this happens and where it doesn't.  Country and Original Language, for example are identical, yet the blocks never occur in Country.
2. Checked default background color.  Its $f4f1e9, not black ($000000)
3. Resetting colors in pvdconf.ini as suggested here.
4. Changing to 'PVD Classic Tabs' skin.  This removes the black blocks from all but the Tagline field.  Restarting PVD with 'PVD Classic Tabs' active removes all of them. Changing to 'PVD Classic' also removes all of them.
5. Making the code for the Country row exactly the same as in the 'PVD Classic' skin.
6. Examined 'PVD Classic' and 'PVD Classic Tabs' skins to see if there was something that set the width for Tagline, but I didn't see anything.

I found a partial fix by adding width="120" to the Country column like so:
Code: [Select]
                            <column width="120" halign="right">
                              <fieldlabel field="country" />
                              <country />
Code: [Select]
                            <column width="120" halign="right">
                              <fieldlabel field="country" />
                            <column width="120">
                              <country />

but this didn't work for the Description box, no matter which of the columns I added width to nor what order the attributes were in.  This is another example that has a Description:

Skin attached.

PVD v0.9.9.21, Windows 7 64-bit

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Re: Black blocks in custom skin
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2010, 06:09:31 am »
I doubt this has anything to do specifically with your skin. I've seen the issue regularly for quite some time. I believe it only happens in certain conditions when the skin is changed or the program started. I can consistently reproduce it by expanding all fields and then restarting the program. The skin is not rendered properly (first screen shot) and a "call to an OS function failed" exception occurs at the same time (I'll send the report to nostra).

I can create the issue by leaving fewer than all the fields expanded, but not consistently. An even when it does happen, the exception doesn't necessarily occur.

The rendering problems are fixed by:

  • collapsing and expanding all fields;
  • moving the splitter in the tool/search bar; and
  • changing selected movie to make the poster appear.

Then all is normal—and stays that way (second screen shot). So I avoid the issue by keeping the fields collapsed. The skin and toolbar are then rendered correctly, and the exception doesn't happen. The poster is not displayed, howver. It always requires switching the selected movie to make it show up. It's annoying. :(

I'm also running Windows 7 64-bit.

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