When importing, i will get a pop-up at every episode.
0. Select Help - Check for updates to make sure you have the latest version of the plugin.
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s03e14 to s03e18 and the entire season 4, got not info - rest is loaded the first time. Bug maby?
I've already commented that director and writer data seems to be missing from all episodes. I see also that E14-18 got no screen shots, although they exist on the website. I have no idea whether these would be problems with the plugin, or if the data simply doesn't exist in the archive that's made available to the plugin by the API.
I didnt notice director and writer were missing. However, the description of the episode is missing from s03e14-18 and the entire season 4. For some reason isnt there loaded any info on those - eventho it exists, and can be loaded manually afterwards. Season 1+2 and the remaining of season 3, all get their info loaded just fine - so i think there's a bug with s03e14-18 and s04.
If i use silent mode, that will mean, that if it guesses wrong on a movie title - it will name it with a wrong title?
I assume you're changing the topic—this has no bearing on adding episodes or scanning media. Silent mode means no prompts. So, yes, if a plugin needs to resolve an ambiguity in a search, it can't and has to skip the record. If you want update a large number of movies, run the plugin in silent mode. When it's done, use a search, sort or grouping to isolate the one's that were skipped. Turn off silent mode and run the plugin again.
Ok, thanks - was like i guessed.
Note: I just reinstalled PVD, and updated everything again. Now it seems to be working better. I no longer get a popup for every episode - actually.. i dont get a single popup!
s04e01-03 and s04e06-10 are now the only ones that doesnt get info loaded automaticly. Huge improvement.
Seems like updating from IMDB is better than TheTVDB - at least then i get all the actors from cross reference (like you said earlier).
Thanks for the help all of you