I will just have to hurt my brain, yet again.
Just like I did.

First of all - from regex you can get only title, original title, year, season number, episode number, episode title.
Second of all - it all depends on your file naming convention.
Now, I'm not good wit regex at all, so what I did was to found proper regexp for my naming convention. Eventually I realized that I had to slightly modify naming convention itself, which is now:
ID. Title - OrigTitle (Year) (Category) [Whatever-else].ext
(Please notice a dot, spaces and brackets)
For this convention, regex that works for me is (nostra helped me to find it out):
(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*) - (?P<origtitle>.*) \((?P<year>[0-9]{4})\).*
To conclude:
- You can't avoid the subject of regex's if you want to scan your files
- You must unify naming videos
- You have to experiment to find out which regex is suitable for your naming convention.
- You have to move that regex at the top of regexes in preferences.
Edit: You posted while i was writing an answer. Try the regex that works for me, and modify it if it's possible to work for you