Just discovered you can right-click on the plugins to bring up the option to disable future update notifications of them. I'd like to do that for the kinopoisk posters plugin as well, but I don't see any way to re-enable the notifications once you've turned them off (which I'd like to do later when the next version of the scripting engine might allow it to work on non-Russian versions of Windows).
And one typo I noticed while searching for it: Under Preferences > Plugins, TheTVDB [EN], the title of the box that comes up when you click Configure says TMDB instead of TVDB.
Also, when using the TVDB plugin, the URL of a TV show's page is not added to the URL field like it is with TMDB (ex.
http://www.thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=72164&lid=7) and posters are sometimes not downloaded, like for the shows Flashforward
http://www.thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=84024&lid=7 and Firefly