Author Topic: [FAQ] TV Series disks  (Read 8820 times)

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Offline sanangelis

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[FAQ] TV Series disks
« on: July 09, 2010, 03:47:51 am »
Very new to this. I have been using movie collector for a few years and now I find they have changed things around too much. I downloaded the latest version of PVD and I really like it and it's features. I don't use most of the functions (at this stage) but one thing I am trying to figure out is how to keep track of my disks, especially TV series. I have them setup in several different boxes with each having it's own label and every disc has a unique number pertaining to that box. I have worked out that I could use "Media Location" for the different boxes but now I need somewhere to put the unique number pertaining to that field. I can't use "ID" because that can change and also it doesn't like using the same number over again. I don't want to renumber my disks as currently there is about 5000 or more.

I will probably have the same problem with movies because I usually have both DVD & digital & sometimes HDD. It would be good if I can keep the whole lot in one record for each movie.

Hope someone has some bright ideas for my problem

« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 01:33:08 am by »


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Re: TV Series disks
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2010, 10:42:49 am »
Hi sanangelis,

... and welcome. I'm not sure if it could help you, but maybe you should read How are movies stored on Hard drive?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 01:32:34 am by »

Offline svenne

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Re: TV Series disks
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2010, 01:13:16 pm »
I can't use "ID" because that can change and also it doesn't like using the same number over again.
Why should it ever change (as long as you don't use Tools -> Reindex movies)?
And you can use the same ID multiple times, if you want to. It's a free to use field. The database has its own internal index ("Database Record ID"), which does not interfere with the "ID" field.
"Database Record ID" is not shown in the user interface but is completely hidden.

Just if you're curious: Since I sometimes need this internal "Database Record ID" I wrote a small export template to be able view it.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 01:31:18 pm by svenne »


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Re: TV Series disks
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2010, 07:48:22 pm »
Welcome, Steve.

As a general point, you'll have to appreciate the program is designed as a movie database, not a movie media database. So this means there's no special accommodation for managing multiple forms of media per movie, or DVD-related features like bar code scanning and the downloading of information about specific media (like DVD features). Such features may be added in time, but they're not a high priority. That being said, PVD is a very flexible and powerful database, so it can be adapted to most situations and preferences.

If using ID for your disc number concerns you (because it can be re-indexed), the alternative is to use a custom field.

As for multiple forms of media, you'll have to decide what works best for you. One approach is to maintain a separate record for each. This topic discusses ways to manage such "duplicate" records. The alternative is to maintain just one record per movie, scan just one type (or the "best" available) media, and record information about additional media in custom fields.

If you're just starting, the most important consideration (especially if you have 5000 disks) should probably be importing information from Movie Collector. I don't recommend worrying about downloaded information. Even if you're attached to it, you're not going to be able to maintain the data provided by Movie Collector. The information you should try to transfer is anything "personal," like view dates, ratings, comments, media location and disk numbers. From this post, it's evident importing data from Movie Collector via Excel is feasible. While this one doesn't go into how, many other topics do (you should be able to find them using the forum Search facility).

Offline sanangelis

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Re: TV Series disks
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2010, 06:31:42 am »
Thanks Guys

These answers are brilliant. I had been reading thru the forum for a couple of days and hadn't found those topics. those are the answers I needed. The movies database is going to be easy. it's the tv one will take a bit more time as I have to make it usable for everyone. Movie Collector had way too much info for my needs but it was easy to find a movie. At least with PVD it only shows the info that I input. it will be even better though when I can just display "title" "location" and "disc#" in the left hand side. (I assume that is what grid view will be). The custom fields have been a great help.


Offline svenne

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Re: TV Series disks
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2010, 12:40:12 pm »
If you use ID as disc#, you could put that into the list on the left side...
in "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Movies" -> "Title formatting": enter the following line in the field "Show movie in the list as:"
%T  (disc# %N)

Don't know if there is a way to incorporate the other fields into the list (perhaps by modifying the skin?)


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Re: TV Series disks
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2010, 09:20:55 pm »
Don't know if there is a way to incorporate the other fields into the list (perhaps by modifying the skin?)

No—only the tags indicated in the Title formatting configuration are available. So the choices would be to use release (%R) for location and num (%N) for disc number, or use num for both. The latter would be possible if location could be specified with alpha characters only. Then IDs in the form "ABC123" could be used, meaning "location ABC, disc 123." Not a good idea, however, if grouping by location is important. :-\