Author Topic: [SOLVED] reset database  (Read 8478 times)

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Offline seabass

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[SOLVED] reset database
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:00:43 pm »
Hey all,

first of all im verry thankfull for all your work on this great vid database.

For now 2 Years I upgraded from serveral old versions and with the time my database became kind of buged til now I ignored these little issues cause I thought it might be a genereal bug that will be fixed in future version.
But as nobody else beside me, seems to have this bug it must be my database file that is kind of corrupted.

A long time ago I already adressed my problem but no solution was found.
When ever I add new movies with the automatic import filters ofdb, zelluloid or strange things happen. When the Import prosssess starts everything is fine and I see the import progress in the bottom line of pvd. But then strange things happen. Without anny notable logic the number of films that have to be imported rises. These aditonal imports are usually duplicates or empty movie names. As it does not happen with a new database I suppose that there is something corrupted in my database.

So I give it a nother try know. Here is what I plan to do.

1. Export all stored Movies (about 1000) to an Excel file
2. Create a new database
3. Import the data
4. Be Happy

Now my problems: How can I keep my screenshots and movie posters?

Thanks in advanced.

PS: Or is there a way to export the values of the firebird database to a backup table an reimport it in to a new database with the firebird tools?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 01:34:32 am by »


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Re: reset database
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 07:51:16 pm »
Now my problems: How can I keep my screenshots and movie posters?

Screenshots—I don't think so. If posters are saved outside the database, they can be imported or re-associated with movies in a new database using the procedure described here.

But rebuilding a database is a lot of work. The problem you describe does not necessarily suggest database corruption. If I were you, I would want to verify what the problem is before heading down that road.

Without any notable logic the number of films that have to be imported rises.

This seems to be the thing to focus on. If this is happening with any plugin and with any new movie name known to be unique at the source (i.e., the problem has nothing to do with the plugin finding the right movie at the source), then that might suggest the problem must have something to do with the database. When a plugin finds multiple movies, are you selecting the one you want downloaded, or instructing it to download them all?

Offline seabass

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Re: reset database
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 08:54:37 pm »
I always select one movie with the plugin. For me it looks, like there is something wrong with the overwriting previleges for the plugins. I noticed that it happens when the title that I look for is slightly different from the title in the internet database. Then a new entry is created in the PVD that consists of all the information that could be retrieved from the internet database, the only thing missing is the file path to the movie, thats how i can distinguish the duplicates.

But rebuilding a database is a lot of work.

I know and thats the reason why i waited for so long to attaque this problem :)


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Re: reset database
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 09:05:58 pm »
I think this must be a problem with the plugin or how you're using it. If the title provided is ambiguous at the source, the plugin should stop and ask you to pick from a list of the hits reported on the search page of the source (and there is a link to the search page). If you select one movie, then only one movie should be downloaded. If you don't pick one movie, then they'll all be added.

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Re: reset database
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 12:21:38 am »
It really does not sound like a database problem. Can you provide a step be step instruction how to reproduce the problem?
Start the application with -debug parameter, reproduce the problem and post the contents of Help -> Log window. Post some screenshots like movie selection, plugin configuration etc. At what step exactly does the number of movies rises?
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Offline seabass

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Re: reset database
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2010, 11:56:40 am »
I think I found the mistake (human failior ::) ) it was the dubble click in the movie selection box --> see Video (Watch it with IE if it doesnt work)  When I single click it and there is no check mark but just a green background, it does not happen (as far as I tried it it in some tests).