I've read through this forum and learned (from Rick, I think) that the best method of adding a new TV series to the database is to first add it with the IMDb plugin, before adding the actual files. Then select all the episodes of a season and do an additional update, and finally add the files into the parent entry, using the file path field, then choosing "organize files by episodes". This works so much better for me, so thanks for that advice!
However, when you do this on a series, it brings in
every season that's listed on IMDb -- past and future, whether or not you might happen to have those episodes. So my question is: would you suggest doing a "soft delete" of those episodes and/or seasons that you don't have (i.e., just making them invisible)? It doesn't seem as though I should delete them entirely.
Additionally, let's say I've done that (made certain future episodes of a series invisible), and the next week I acquire one of those episodes and want to add it to my database... what's the best method for doing that? Should I use "new", or should I create a "new episode" and then plug the file path of the new digital file into that entry? If I use the latter method, will the previously-invisible listing for that episode show up again and tie itself to my newly-created episode?
Or is it easier/best to just enable my "invisible" filter, select the episode I want to add, and choose "always show"?
Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I'm still new to PVD and am slowly figuring all this out.

Thanks in advance!