I was too lazy to read the whole topic, but do you have the "Filter episodes" option checked in Tools -> Preferences -> Movies?
Me too...

...and consider this food for thought, rather than concrete advice...
The IMDb isn't a very good source for documentaries, and I doubt it ever will be. It is, after all, a
movie database. So, given your level of interest, you're probably putting a lot of effort into getting data "manually." If so, you might find downloading data from IMDb does more harm than good. Even if you take care to ensure it doesn't overwrite data you've acquired from elsewhere, you probably don't want bad data "polluting" the good. As a practical matter, you might want to use IMDb where it "works," and use other sources where they are better.
I don't know how typical
Horizon is, but it makes an interesting example. As you've said, it's data on IMDb is a mess. I suppose the main problem is the lack of it, but I wouldn't trust anything that's there. On the other hand, a quick search finds several sources which must be of far greater interest to you. At
TV.com, there's what appears to be a fairly comprehensive listing—by episode number—of 1,057 episodes since 1964. It appears this would at least provide a fairly complete record of episode titles and air dates. That may be all you want or need for older episodes (there's 1,057 of them!). The
BBC should be a much better source for more recent episodes. And it appears there may be coverage of earlier episodes at the
BFI—which has 848 episode entries. None of these sources are going to have everything you may want. But together, they certainly have far better data than the IMDb.
The TV.com list caught my attention, BTW, because it's something that can be easily imported. Unfortunately, it's not possible to import
episode data into PVD. But it seems you've recognized you may be better off not using the series feature for other reasons. That may be a good thing, because you can import anything (including custom fields) to a
movie record. This capability may be very important if this method of importing data is the only one available to you.
The attached screen shot illustrates several things. First, I was able to import the entire series (episode number, title, air date, year and URL's). Don't be misled by the one episode showing—it's the only one with additional information. But most of that was easy to add. I imported the available IMDb URL's (289). As nostra says, those can be imported normally with the plugin (i.e., it doesn't care they are episode records). I imported the BFI URL's. Those provide a direct link to a synopsis which I cut & paste into the Tagline field. The description comes from the BBC site, but that appears to be a lost cause. The only site I've ever seen that's more of a hopeless mess is the CBC. Public broadcasters!
Anyway, my point is this
might be a way to easily establish a framework for an entire series, and provide links to online information. That would provide an overview, a place to attach existing media and a start on where find further information—that you might add manually for the relative few you're most interested in.
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