2 scripts:
AmazonImageSizeChangerDisplays larger image on Amazon
product page so you don't have to click on Zoom.
amazon popup image script (also in the form of an addon
here, which I prefer since it checks for updates)
Displays larger covers on Amazon
search results page. First of all, I like using the Amazon web page better than the preview box in PVD, which displays thumbnails at lower quality (and yet still slower) than they're displayed on the web site, for some reason I don't understand. With this script, you can see the larger size just by hovering the mouse over the thumbnail. If you want the poster, you can drag it and it will open in a new pop-up window where you can save it. The best part is that it opens the large size image (if there is one), not the regular size you get from using the 'View Image' command in Firefox. Here's an example DVD that has a 899x1280 poster I was able to save with this script:
http://www.amazon.com/Kirenji-Combat-School-Shiuya-Yoshimoto/dp/B0030BOCHS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1272966842&sr=8-1You only get a 351x500 image if you use 'View Image' or PVD's Amazon plugin.
Also note that the large image opens in a pop-up window, so, if you're running a pop-up blocker, you'll need to add an exception to it for each country's version of the site that you use: