Try to enter only "9/11" without quotes. That's when it is happening.
Mine error is:
------------madExcept 3.0 non-commercial edition---------
conversion error from string "The Fog"
Overflow occurred during datatype conversion.
Error Code:14.
It happens only if:
1. The first typed character is digit, the second one is slash and the third one is digit again. (9/11)
2. The first typed character is digit, then spaces typed as many as you want, then typed slash, then another digit (9 /11).
3. The first typed character is digit, then spaces typed as many as you want, then typed slash, then spaces typed as many as you want, then another digit (9 / 11).
4. The first typed characters are spaces typed as many as you want, then the first digit is typed, then spaces typed as many as you want, then typed slash, then spaces typed as many as you want, then another digit ( 9 / 11).