I was looking at my stats for languages and found out that most of my movies had no "language" information.
However when looking at movie records I found a field called "Original language", and most of my movies have this info properly filled in.
If you look at the screenshot you'll see that I have two "undefined" groups for languages. In these group, the movies have an "original language" filled in. I guess it is not recognised as being the "language" field.
These "original language" informations are coming from imdb by the way, using the plugin.
Also if you look at the example you will see that the original language is Bengali but it is in the "afrikaan" group. I guess this means that there is in that record a "language" field, not shown on the movie card, containing "afrikaan" value.
How can I make this "language" field appear in the movie card? how can I check it is in the record? Do you know why it is called "original language"?
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