I think you're being overly dramatic suggesting I want a whole new skinning system.
I don't think so. I was responding directly to what you said... "Actually, with more thought, all that's needed to display a skin in a web browser is an XSL file (not exactly true...the xml from PVD isn't really browser compliant...but it's easy enough to fix)." It's obvious your specific complaints could be addressed within the current system, but it seems you'd rather make the point the fundamental nature of the display system should be different.
There are also much simpler solutions if the limitations of the current system are respected. Information truncated in a short text field would not be in a long text or memo field. It shouldn't be necessary to make the skin system adapt to data stored in an inappropriate field type. But I suppose there are exceptions to that rule—the data growing beyond what the field was originally meant for, or users using the field for something different. To accommodate these situations, a skin function that transforms data from one type to another is surely feasible.
As I've mentioned a number of times elsewhere, I hope the ability to display HTML is added at some point. It would be handy for importing and displaying entire pages of data that are already formatted appropriately, displaying actual search result pages, and just providing an embedded browsing capability. I don't know whether such a thing would be a separate window, a skin function for displaying a specified URL in a memo-like HTML field, or both. I imagine doing something like that is going to beg the question, "Why not do the whole display system in HTML?" Like I said, I don't know. I do know I have no use for other movie database software that use that approach. But I don't know if that's because of limitations in the approach, or just crappy implementations.
Concatenate two monitors horizontally, et voila!
I think we're going to pay for having exposed this guy to Monty Python.