The suggestion is that more information be available when images or people are added to the database.
Yes, I'd like to be able to have 'people' information configurable as movies can be. Nothing new here...I just want to ensure that at least 'someone' expresses interest in this.
I'd like to be able to relate images in regards to people AND movies, by an event (red carpet) or by a photoshoot.
More importantly, I'd like to know what images I have, and given the resolution I want, whether a better image was available. In this regard, knowing the size of an image (dimensions) and the histogram (image "a" = image "b"), I'd have a good idea of whether a 'better' image was available. Currently, there is no way to use this information, but I am very close to having an external script that would make this reasonable.
My motive isn't to move processing outside of PVD, but rather, to keep as much as possible within it. Someday when Nostra has nothing but free time, he could look at improving the process I'll provide (via PHP and HTA).
The way I consider it, Nostra is but a single person with finite time to work on PVD. If I can provide an outline (in whatever programming language), then he will have a better idea of how he wishes to procede. Not much different from us bantering back and forth about the 'pie in the sky' improvements we'd (personally) like to see.