ok so I have actually fixed the issue without running cables and just thought I'd let you all know what I did in case anyone else needed to know.
From what nostra said about NAS having issues sometimes I got to looking and it seems that when the laptops would boot up they would try to connect to the NAS before the wireless network was actually finished connecting which caused it to not be able to see the share and not have the play button for me.
I fixed the problem by making a .bat file with the following in it to start PVD with instead of the default icon. Basically it just re-adds the network share to my computer again anytime I start PVD so that everything shows up properly.
net use x: \\FREENAS\share
Start "" /MAX "C:\Program Files (x86)\Personal Video Database\viddb.exe"
Explination of what it does:
net use - the command to map a network drive in windows
X: - The Drive Letter I use for the share
\\FreeNAS\share - The network path to the share where my movies are
Start - tells windows to start a program
''" - anything inside the quotes would be a title for the program being opened in this case it is unused but has to be there
/MAX - tells it to start the program maximized
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Personal Video Database\viddb.exe" - the path that I have PVD installed to
Thanks to everyone for your help