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Example 1.) :Result:On this page so, where is just Similar Works has a score of zero downloads,but where, in addition Similar Works and Other Related Works is the result of only the transfer of Similar Works data in folder Other Related Works.
Obviously it will be necessary to manually enter this address you must manually enter the url.
procedure ParseChapters(HTML : String);var curPos : Integer; TmpStr, TmpStr1, TmpStr2, TmpStr3 : String;begin curPos := Pos('<div id="results-table">', HTML); if curPos < 1 then Exit; //Chapters curPos := PosFrom('<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">Side #1 --</td>', HTML, curPos); TmpStr := TextBetween(HTML, '<td colspan="2">', '</td>', True, curPos); TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, '<td colspan="2">', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr1, ' </td> ', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr3 := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '<td colspan="2"></td>', '—', True, True, False); AddCustomFieldValueByName('Chapters', TmpStr3);end;
1. Chapter 1 [6:39]
I see only this one informationQuote1. Chapter 1 [6:39]
while there is a greater number of such data.
Disc #1 -- Cahill: United States Marshall1. Chapter 1 [6:39]2. Chapter 2 [3:52]3. Chapter 3 [4:43]4. Chapter 4 [3:48]5. Chapter 5 [3:54]6. Chapter 6 [3:58]7. Chapter 7 [3:31]8. Chapter 8 [2:51]9. Chapter 9 [2:09]10. Chapter 10 [4:49]11. Chapter 11 [4:16]12. Chapter 12 [4:24]13. Chapter 13 [3:05]14. Chapter 14 [2:55]15. Chapter 15 [3:34]16. Chapter 16 [3:15]17. Chapter 17 [3:13]18. Chapter 18 [2:25]19. Chapter 19 [2:21]20. Chapter 20 [3:23]21. Chapter 21 [4:09]22. Chapter 22 [2:56]23. Chapter 23 [4:10]24. Chapter 24 [3:33]25. Chapter 25 [4:22]26. Chapter 26 [3:33]27. Chapter 27 [4:09]28. Chapter 28 [2:01]
I tried to get a solution for Chapters for my AllMovie DVD script.Example for cahill-us-marshall-commemorative-packaging Chapters:This codeCode: [Select]procedure ParseChapters(HTML : String);var curPos : Integer; TmpStr, TmpStr1, TmpStr2, TmpStr3 : String;begin curPos := Pos('<div id="results-table">', HTML); if curPos < 1 then Exit; //Chapters curPos := PosFrom('<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">Side #1 --</td>', HTML, curPos); TmpStr := TextBetween(HTML, '<td colspan="2">', '</td>', True, curPos); TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, '<td colspan="2">', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr1, ' </td> ', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr3 := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '<td colspan="2"></td>', '—', True, True, False); AddCustomFieldValueByName('Chapters', TmpStr3);end;I see only this one informationQuote1. Chapter 1 [6:39]while there is a greater number of such data.What would it take to change that passed all the information there.Thanks
procedure ParseChapters(HTML : String);var curPos : Integer; TmpStr, TmpStr1, TmpStr2, TmpStr3, TmpStr4, TmpStr5 : String;begin curPos := Pos('<div id="results-table">', HTML); if curPos < 1 then Exit; //ChapterscurPos := PosFrom('<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">''</td>', HTML, curPos); TmpStr := TextBetween(HTML, '<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">', '</td>', True, curPos); TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, '<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">', '', True, True, False); TmpStr2 := TextBetween(HTML, '<td colspan="2">', '</table>', True, curPos); TmpStr3 := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '<td colspan="2">', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr4 := StringReplace(TmpStr3, ' </td> ', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr5 := StringReplace(TmpStr4, '<td colspan="2"></td></table>', '—', True, True, False); if (TmpStr1 = '') AND (TmpStr5 <> '') then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Chapters', + TmpStr5); if (TmpStr1 <> '') AND (TmpStr5 <> '')then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Chapters', + TmpStr1 + '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + TmpStr5 + ''); end;
Side #1 -- 1. The First Move [8:52] 2. Ducks in a Row [11:56] 3. Is This a Date? [9:28] 4. He Dumped Me [8:13] 5. New Year's [5:09] 6. Morning After [5:29] 7. On the Doorstep [10:41] 8. Heading North [5:18] 9. Sales Pitch [6:11] 10. Six Years Too Late [9:00] 11. Where's Oliver [10:04] 12. End Credits [9:19]
Side #1 --1. The First Move [8:52]2. Ducks in a Row [11:56]3. Is This a Date? [9:28]4. He Dumped Me [8:13]5. New Year's [5:09]6. Morning After [5:29]7. On the Doorstep [10:41]8. Heading North [5:18]9. Sales Pitch [6:11]10. Six Years Too Late [9:00]11. Where's Oliver [10:04]12. End Credits [9:19]
On the web page I am for this one This Set Contains found this code://This Set ContainsAddCustomFieldValueByName('This Set Contains', HTMLValues(HTML, '<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">This Set Contains</td>', '</table>', '<li>', '</li>', ', ', EndPos));and we transferredLittle House on the Prairie: Look Back to Yesterday (1983), Little House on the Prairie: The Last Farewell (1984), Little House on the Prairie: Bless All the Dear Children (1984)such information from this site which is fine. I do have a question, how would the code be changed so that these data information such as this one Little House on the Prairie: Look Back to Yesterday (1983) become a link to the title but not such as it is now and is read-only.
A Database Error Has Occurred.We're sorry, but we appear to be having some problems with our database.Please check back later. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
I'll just add here this notice.On AllMovie web pages have since 19.2.2011 evening big problems with links to their database. Approximately 90% of these links to movie information does not work and this appears the following notice:QuoteA Database Error Has Occurred.We're sorry, but we appear to be having some problems with our database.Please check back later. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.However, if the connection happens then work on certain links might also operate mostly not. Usually the problem is already at the opening Cast tab.In writing this post I trying to open about 10 links to movie information but she has just opened a link in this movie title wrote this because the problems might be just with me or have the same problems for other users.
procedure ParseChapters(HTML : String);var curPos, EndPos : Integer; TmpStr, TmpStr1, TmpStr2, TmpStr3, TmpStr4, TmpStr5 : String;begin curPos := Pos('<div id="results-table">', HTML); if curPos < 1 then Exit; //ChapterscurPos := PosFrom('<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">''</td>', HTML, curPos); TmpStr := TextBetween(HTML, '<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">', '</td>', True, curPos); TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, '<td class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 1px;">', '', True, True, False); TmpStr2 := TextBetween(HTML, '<td colspan="2">', '</table>', True, curPos); TmpStr3 := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '<td colspan="2">', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr4 := StringReplace(TmpStr3, ' </td> ', '—', True, True, False); TmpStr5 := StringReplace(TmpStr4, '<td colspan="2"></td></table>', '—', True, True, False); if (TmpStr1 = '') AND (TmpStr5 <> '') then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Chapters', + TmpStr5); if (TmpStr1 <> '') AND (TmpStr5 <> '')then AddCustomFieldValueByName('Chapters', + TmpStr1 + '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' *' + TmpStr5 + ' *'); end;
procedure ParseMovie(MovieURL : String; HTML : String);var curPos, EndPos : Integer; Name, Role, URL, TmpStr, TmpStr1, TmpStr2 : String;begin
//Features (Similar Works) curPos := PosFrom('<td colspan="2" class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 1px;">Similar Works</td>', HTML, EndPos);TmpStr := ''; EndPos := curPos; curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, curPos); while (curPos > 0) AND (curPos < PosFrom('</table>', HTML, EndPos)) do begin EndPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos); URL := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos); curPos := EndPos + 2; EndPos := PosFrom('</a>', HTML, curPos); Name := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos); curPos := PosFrom('<em>', HTML, EndPos); if curPos > 0 then begin curPos := curPos + 4; EndPos := PosFrom('</em>', HTML, curPos); Role := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos)); end else begin Role := ''; curPos := EndPos; end; AddMoviePerson(Name, '', Role, URL, ctActors); if TmpStr <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + #13; if URL <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + '<link url="' + URL + '">'; TmpStr := TmpStr + Name; if Role <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + ' - ' + Role ; if URL <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + '</link>'; if curPos > 0 then curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, curPos) else Exit; end; AddCustomFieldValueByName('Similar Works', TmpStr);//Features (Other Related Works) curPos := PosFrom('<td colspan="2" class="large-list-title" style="padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 1px;">Other Related Works</td>',HTML, EndPos); TmpStr := ''; EndPos := curPos; curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, curPos); while (curPos > 0) AND (curPos < PosFrom('</table>', HTML, EndPos)) do begin EndPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos); URL := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos); curPos := EndPos + 2; EndPos := PosFrom('</a>', HTML, curPos); Name := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos); curPos := PosFrom('<em>', HTML, EndPos); if curPos > 0 then begin curPos := curPos + 4; EndPos := PosFrom('</em>', HTML, curPos); Role := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos)); end else begin Role := ''; curPos := EndPos; end; AddMoviePerson(Name, '', Role, URL, ctActors); if TmpStr <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + #13; if URL <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + '<link url="' + URL + '">'; TmpStr := TmpStr + Name; if Role <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + ' - ' + Role; if URL <> '' then TmpStr := TmpStr + '</link>'; if curPos > 0 then curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, curPos) else Exit; end; AddCustomFieldValueByName('Other Related Works', TmpStr);
The AllMovie site has been replaced by AllRovi. See AllRovi movie script.