In AllMovie + (Ivek23), I added this:
// Sound by Sound by short text
// Ratio Aspect Min short text
// Production Credits Tab Production memo
Here,where this copy it works:
// Ratio Aspect Min short text
EndPos := PosFrom('style="width: 86px;', HTML, EndPos);
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, EndPos) + 2;
EndPos := PosFrom('</td>', HTML, curPos);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Aspect Min', Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos));
curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, EndPos);
if curPos < PosFrom('min.', HTML, EndPos) then begin
EndPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Year', Copy(HTML, curPos + Length(''), 4));
EndPos := EndPos + 1;
end else
EndPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos) + 1;
EndPos := PosFrom('style="width: 86px;', HTML, EndPos);
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, EndPos) + 2;
EndPos := PosFrom('</td>', HTML, curPos);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Aspect Min', Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos));
curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, EndPos) + 2;
EndPos := PosFrom(' ', HTML, curPos);
// AddFieldValue(mfDuration, Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos)); // Changed to:
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Original Duration', Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos));
AddCustomFieldValueByName('AllMovie rating', '0');
curPos := PosFrom('<img src="/img/st_r', HTML, EndPos);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PosFrom('alt="', HTML, curPos) + 5;
EndPos := PosFrom(' ', HTML, curPos);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('AllMovie rating', FloatToStr(StrToFloat(Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos)) * 2));
end else
curPos := EndPos;
// Sound by Sound by short text
//Sound by
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Sound by', HTMLValues(HTML,
'<span>Sound by</span>', '</table>',
'<li>', '</li>',
', ', EndPos));
//From book
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Book', HTMLValues(HTML,
'<span>From book</span>', '</table>',
'<li>', '</li>',
', ', EndPos));
//From story
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Book', HTMLValues(HTML,
'<span>From story</span>', '</table>',
'<li>', '</li>',
', ', EndPos));
//Sound by
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Sound by', HTMLValues(HTML,
'<span>Sound by</span>', '</table>',
'<li>', '</li>',
', ', EndPos));
//Set in
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Set in', HTMLValues2(HTML,
'<span>Set In</span>', '</table>',
'', '</a>',
', ', EndPos));
//Box office
curPos := PosFrom('<span>Box office</span>', HTML, EndPos);
if curPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PosFrom('<li>', HTML, curPos) + 5;
EndPos := PosFrom('</li>', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos);
curPos := Pos('/', TmpStr);
if curPos > 0 then
Delete(TmpStr, curPos, Length(TmpStr) - curPos + 1);
curPos := Pos(':', TmpStr);
if curPos > 0 then
Delete(TmpStr, curPos, Length(TmpStr) - curPos + 1);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Money', TmpStr);
My advice to View:
starting with this AllMovie + (Ivek23) script,then this original script AllMovie
because otherwise you will AllMovie + (Ivek23) script delete Original duration
it appears that you AllMovie original script.