for zelluloid (and ofdb) plugin all checkboxes are checked.
Not according to your screen shot—they are greyed/filled, meaning "fill if empty." This, of course, is not the reason you're getting no data. But it's important to understand the implications of these settings—especially if you're using two sources.
I make a directory scan and hope PVD will add all movies.
The program uses regex, not "hope" to identify titles from filenames. Sorry to be blunt, but your filenames are a mess. The default regex nor any modification you might attempt are going to be successful in processing filenames like these. The most effective file (or parent folder) pattern to use is
\[Title] ([Year]). Not only is the title then unmistakable, so is year—which will resolve conflicts with other movies with the same name.
It appears you made no attempt to correct the filenames, so some online searches (OFDb, Zelluloid and Amazon) likely failed as well. It's not clear whether the faulty searches would have given you search results that would have allowed you to choose the correct movie. Nope...In my trials, all three sources correctly reported there are no movies with the title "ERASER PAL DISC2" or "ENDOFDAYS."
The 6th Day (your "result" screen shot) should have worked. I tried it myself, and got data from your three sources without difficulty. So maybe something else is wrong. Check
Movies - Visible items to make sure all fields are enabled. Try refreshing after downloading. What do you see in edit mode? Are the fields there? If so, are they empty?