I add original titles in the "original title" field (that sounds right, doesnt it?), using original characters (chinese, korean, russian, whatever)
And I use french translated titles, if any, in the "title" field.
So of course I need both field, really. And when it's a french film, or a foreign film with no french title, then my "title" field stays empty. So I end up with nothing in the "title" column in filmographies, and it looks stupid ;p
Thanks nostra for adding that to your todo list.
Also, since I opened this thread, i've got another request:
I burn my films on dvd, whose labels (number) I enter in the "media label" field.
I made a fine html export template for my needs, but I want the film to be sorted using that "media label" field. It would be nice for me to have a list sorted by dvd number (media label), so I can easily know what's in each dvd without having to open pvd.
I've checked your thread for "creating templates" in the forum, but it seems that there is no option to sortby="value" with value being the "media label" field.