Author Topic: Transname  (Read 5308 times)

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« on: March 29, 2010, 06:16:03 am »
I've written a script (PHP) to convert UTF to English characters.  I've successfully stored this in the TRANSNAME (person) field, but my skin will not display the translated name.  Direct database access displays the translated name.  In EDIT mode, the translated name is  displayed in the edit box.

          <column width="135" halign="right">
           <fieldlabel field="transname" autosize="true"><font><bold/><color>$000000</color></font></fieldlabel>
           <transname autosize="true"><font><color>$0000ff</color><bold/></font></transname>

Using translated names as a sort criteria (for my language) is significantly better for me in finding people.  I suppose this is true for everyone (for those that care), in whatever language they are most comfortable with.  My script is set up similar to the LNG files, so it could be used in a similar fashion (I think PHP is about a 7mb script is about 140 lines).

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Re: Transname
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 05:46:17 pm »
Most probably your translated name is equal to name, so it is hidden as there is no need to see two equal names in the information card...
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Re: Transname
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2010, 07:54:57 pm »
I should have checked the most obvious solution first.  Thanks. 

BTW, the transname sort works perfectly for what I wanted. Carré Otis is sorted as if the 'é' were an 'e' (which it IS in the transname).

